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After reading trough the codex, i noticed first that Perturabo worked with Nurgle. Then glanced at Typhus' rules. 

And i see potential for Typhus as an Iron Warrior Warsmith. One that specialises in Weapon and Tech Viruses, as well as daemonic binding.


However, if one would go this route, how far down would his soldiers be going? Will they be covered in pus, ooze and other forms of decay, or can they look normal? How would Iron Warrior "plague marines" look like?

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i'd say lots of rust and lots of untreated battle damage(both body and armour).


then it all comes down to how far down they've fallen into papa nurgles embrace.


note that perturabo isn't a nurgloid, he just invoked the power of nurgle on that occasion.

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While you will have to decide for yourself, I believe there are two directions to consider:


1)Use "normal" Chaos marine parts just as if you were making regular Iron Warriors, and add painted on rust, fluid-seeping armor joints, unrepaired battle damage, small runes of Nurgle and the like. The aim here is to have a low level of outward corruption, and keep the silhouette of regular Chaos marines. The new FW Breacher squad should be considered here.


2)Use Nurgle models (GW or FW plague marines, etc) and paint them in Iron Warrior colors, making sure to have visible hazard stripes and Iron Warrior insignia. These will be overtly corrupted Nurgle-Worshippers who have not yet abandonned the 4th Legion colors.


Hope this helps, be sure to post pictures of what you put together!

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The way i was thinking about their corruption, is that they just use the power of Nurgle to make certain virusses. I do not want to overly disrupt the feel of the iron warriors, so i will not go for option 2.


I like your option 1, and is one of the things i was thinking of myself, because it has something tragic. Iron Warriors normally dislike corruption, but in their effort of making the better tech virusses and such, they get corrupted regardless. If i would flesh out the warband's story this would allow quite a unique angle imo. 


But then i went to the FW site, and saw the new Breacher kits. Those Mk III suits with shields. This ofcourse gives a lot less corrupted look. Easily explaining the additional toughness of the army, by giving them shields and or MK III.


Does anybody know how to paint oil seeping out of joints? 

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Breacher Squads seem a good way to go. up the rust and decay.

As for your question, either use a wash of tin bits, black and metals (formula p makes a nice dark armour wash) with some gloss vanish for the reflection on the liquid. Mig productions makes a couple of washes for fuel and oil stains which are quite good too.

I'd link you to my LPC PMs but they were not ready in time :(

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The Cleaved is the leaky guys. Here is a tutorial on them. Around 10 min is where he starts painting the leaky parts.


Also, plenty of IW people use things like cybernetic augmentation or shields to explain the marks. With this route, it could be totally possible to avoid the leaky effect all together.

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I think it would work well. The zombies might be lobotomized or highly bionicized (likely not a real word) slave militia.


I've done a Word Bearer "Typhus" myself (except mine is called Grand Heresiarch Lykaeos and is more of a space necromancer guy). So I totally think the counts-as route is the way to go for any and all crazy ideas you want to try out.


As for PMs, I'd look into the new legion breaching marines from FW. They would seem to be a perfect fit.

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@Zyl: that guy in the tutorial gives a good explanation on how to do that oil. Thanks a lot for that :)


@Antarius: Lobotomised slaves was indeed what i was thinking for with zombies. Just sounds cruel :) maybe even putting some uniforms here and there :P


I came up with an alternative list to avoid the mark of nurgle all together (except for Typhus). I've posted it in the army list section. 

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