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Any tips on what battlemat to use?

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Hey all!


Me and my girlfriend recently started to play w40k and as we're only 2 playing at the moment we can't really afford the battleboard from citadel so I purchased the battlemat from citadel (which now seems to be discontinued).


However, it's really hard to get that "grim darkness of the far future"-feeling going when playing on a green mat.


So does anyone have any tips on what we can use as underlay for our battles? Preferably a mat of some sort in a grayish or desert-tone. 


Did some googling but couldn't really find any alternatives :/



Thank you in advance for any tips or pointers :)


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My friend and I just made some based on this video.

Only we did not use caulk.  We just used latex house paint for the base layer and so far it is working fine. 

If you do this, be sure and wash the canvas first because it will shrink.  Pre-washing means it won't shrink as much from the paint. 


You can google DIY Battlemat for several other videos like this.  There are a lot of good ides out there.


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