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Blood Angel Successor Chapter - Rising Suns


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Hey guys,


I decided to start my own blood angels army after using my friends awesome army for quite some time. Now i want to add a twist to it that will probably annoy the more seasoned blood angel players. I want to make it a successor army that does not follow the blood red scheme as such


My ideas are as follow - i want to make a Japanese themed army called the Rising Suns.


The colour schemes are different to the norm:

•Standard Power Armour - White

•Death Company - Black

•Sanguinary Guard and such - Black

Vehicles/dreadnoughts - i am not too sure with this one - perhaps white or a greyish white.


The problem I have is that i dont know what spotcolour to give the white marines -red,black or blue. The armour will have japanese calligraphy on it and some sarges will have tribal marks on their armour.


So what do you guys think, just trying to be different :P

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My BA Army is Greek themed with Bronze Armor, Dark Grey DC, Bone for the Priests.  Differant is good, as long as you build according to the Codex.  Since the Japanese flag is white with a red spot, I think a red spot is called for. 

Check out these from Puppets War  http://puppetswar.com/product.php?id_product=141  as potential head swaps.

I also saw some site with some back banners that were more like the Japanese style (pole with banner off to the side full length).  If I remember were I saw them I'll post it.

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Those helmets look great, thanks MadGreek - they will look awesome on chaplains and such.

For the pictures did you mean these guys :P




I'm thinking whether to go with a gold aquilla  and shoulderpad trim...

and then do the red emblem on the shoulder pad.

Also, what to do with characters such as Dante


I have ordered him and planned to remove his death mask and put Draigo's unhelmeted head in there and also to try and remove some blood drops from the armour...

would you guys advice on that?

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Kromlech.eu had some more heads and banners like the ones on that Attack Bike - yes, that is the style I meant - and Samurai Swords.  The website apears to be down for now, though there is stuff on ebay from them.  They are also on Facebook, so you shouldcheck em out.

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It could happen becasue of the white, though the symbols are very differant.  Only thing I was considering is, if you went traditional red spot, perhaps even with some of the ones with the red rays radiating from the spot, that you would have an easier time getting decals for any vehicles from WW2 Hobby places.

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If you look at the Gabriel Seth mini in the book, as an example for a successor chapter, he still has a lot of blood drop and wing symbolism on his gear. He has his saw blades and blood drops as well, but there's no reason you can't keep the wings and blood drops on there and just paint your specific symbol on shoulderpads, vehicles, and other areas.

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OK guys I have had a massive re-plan of my colour scheme while still incorporating some elements from my previous ideas. The main reason for this was that I would struggle to paint white vehicles like landraiders and since i don't own an airbrush, the idea seemed a bit daunting to me. So what have I changed you might ask?

Well the Colour Schemes are as follows:

Dante, Sanguinary Guard, Tyhco, Sanguinor (all counts as) - painted black

Tactical Marines:


Assault Marines:


Devastator Marines:


Elite Marines (ie. Sternguard, Captains, Command Squad etc):


Death Company:



Inspirations for these guys:

http://cdn.niketalk.com/e/ec/ecf32e66_64b3d1af.jpeg - for distinguishing between different squads - I felt that since this is a Japanese Themed army - I will go for that effect since the helmets closely resemble the hair of samurais.

Death Company Skull Helmets inspired by the helmet worn by Chaplain Brother Carnak in the movie Ultramarines. I want it so that the Death Company are hanging on the edge of their lives and so they resemble that with their skull helmets since they have a very Laconic attitude to Death. It also ties in with the idea of the Japanese god of Death (even though they are predominately Buddhist) - Shinigami.


Chapter symbol Ideas for the Army:

http://www.vinylskins.com/php/showskin.php?c1=0.01&c4=nomark&c2=65 or The Japanese flag inspired red dot on a white background.

On the left hand side instead of chapter squad marking they have traditional japanese kanji:

Still WIP


Name Idea for the Chapter:

  • Rising Suns
  • Red Suns
  • Fujimi Warriors
  • Blood Samurais
  • Sushi Eaters (lol - no offense intended) - but seriously i am not choosing this tongue.png

What would you guys change?

What do you think?

Any ideas you would like to add?

Thanks smile.png

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Thank you, i will recieve my Commander Dante model which I will be converting in a few days but I unfortunately cannot paint until I have finished my GCSEs so.... expect a test model for normal marines about june time but until then i will see if i can upload a pic of my space wolves which have a similar colour scheme to how I will be painting Dante...
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I was going to suggest the puppet wars heads as well but then seen that Mad Greek already had.


Dont forget to look around on thier site for other pieces that could inspire you. For example, the naganata is a traditional polearm used by Samurai. They have several weapon packs that could fit that bill.



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I prefer the white scheme, especially the one with the brass/gold trim. The new one looks like a lighter variation of the Blood Ravens' scheme.


For polearms I'd suggest kromlech's vibro glaives. They don't look exactly like naginata, but at least they don't look as badly proportioned as the ones from puppetswar. The warstore has simple naginata.


[edit]Damn homogrpahs. I just wondered what elites had to do with lead (Pb).[/Edit]

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I did have a look at the wiki page and i could not find any white colour symbolisms - I'll just use the scarlet red colour for blood since that seems to be the majority


緋    Ake    Scarlet (blood)    207,58,36    #CF3A24 

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That's not what I meant. I meant something along the lines that white in western cultures is associated with purity and innocence whereas in eastern cultures it is associated with death and mourning. I'm sure you can find associations in eastern cultures for the other colors as well.


And then go from there creating a thematically as well as aesthetically pleasing scheme.

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But I really don't want to paint white vehicles - though the concept and contrast of white regular marines compared to the black of sang guard and death company looks nice - the vehicles part will make it difficult. IMO, Also, the only white scheme I like is of one similar to the white scars and I dont want my blood angels to look like white scars.

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I never meant it to be necessarily white, I just thought you might consider something different than your red with light shoulder pads scheme, if you do not want to paint lots of white. Even better if it is thematically appropriate.


BTW are there more pictures of the army from post #3.

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I am trying to make this army so that I can use it as normal space marines as well.



I never meant it to be necessarily white, I just thought you might consider something different than your red with light shoulder pads scheme, if you do not want to paint lots of white. Even better if it is thematically appropriate.

BTW are there more pictures of the army from post #3.

Yes, however I did look around on how he painted that ceramic grey-white and could not find any colours they used


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Personally, is make the DC white. Harkens back to your original color scheme, fits the Asian association of white with death, and doesn't require vehicle painting. However, paint wise, white is EASIER for vehicles than red, cause you cam get good white spray paint.
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I love DIY, it's pretty much always cool and as a collector it allows for a lot of flexibility. Should you decide you like codex marines better you could jump on their bandwagon.  Besides praising you for your creativity I'd like to give a little input and even ask a question. 

First, I personally think Marines easily get too busy with trims, guards, greaves, helmet crests etc being different colors to distinguish different battlefield roles.  Here is what I like about your tactical marines: Darker Red Power Armor, white Shoulder pads, white helms, Black trim. Clean and crisp, great for an Asian aesthetic. What I don't like are the helmet crest's and back packs. I would like to suggest, that instead you use knee pads( one of them) or even the shoulder pads to designate Battlefield role. Don't limit your self to a solid color either. For example, if you used the right Knee Pad designate Battlefield row, and chose yellow to designate assault marine; do't just color the knee pad solid yellow consider this instead: a yellow blood drop or yellow band, or even yellow X maybe even mix it up, perhaps it is merely the color that is vital and not local. 

I'd also like to ask how the Priest's fit in with your DIY?

Good Luck!

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