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Tzeentch following space wolves

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Which basically means they disappeared into the eye of terror and became rogue space wolves with an unusually high proportion of Wulfen. I suggest using Tzeentch-marked CSM and Chosen, with Spawn or Possessed for your Wulfens.

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If you could forge an alliance with an Ahrimanite cabal, then maybe, but the Rubric is a seriously major working and very dangerous to the sorcerers casting it.


Also, you'd still need to get past the Wolves' natural distrust of non-shamanic magic and the Thousand Sons hatred of Wolfkin.

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Well for me every time Ahriman engages the Space Wolves in battle he tries to capture as many as possible and then in a sorcerous Fabius Bile-like way he experiments with different magic to try and cast a less devastating version of the rubric.


Unfortunately (for the space wolves that is), to date he has met with little success and they either are reduced to dust and cast to the nine winds of the warp or bubbling writhing formless spawn than quickly burn out and destroy themselves.


While his lieutenants have orders to bring the dogs back alive sometimes they just don't have the chance and are driven to ignite their force weaponry while it's buried up to the hilt in one of their chests. Quite a shame sometimes but needs must.

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