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Commander Dante Conversion

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Hey guys,


I will be recieving my dante model in a few days and i wanted to convert him to a japanese themed blood angel for my diy blood angels. The problem i have is with his head; i want to remove it and replace it with an old man space wolf head unhelmeted. Can i remove dantes head without causing much damage - is it attached to anything important? I will also be painting him black to fit in with similar models in my army. Also, is it easy to remove the insignia from his shoulder pads or to remove them and replace with something else?



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Hey there, I used the (metal) dante for my Blood Angel Reculsiarch. I removed his death mask, but kept the actual iron halo and back of the head, the shoulder pads are easy to remove with a razor saw/jewelers hack saw.


I'll put this pic in to show how he looks painted black.


Good luck and hope to see pics soon!




Our Sang Guard kit is the ultimate for bling. You'll definitely want to pick a box up, and its plastic so you won't have to deal with that rubbish GW call 'FineCast'. It you haven't bought the mini yet save your money and get the SG box instead. For not much more extra you'll get an awful lot more.


Good luck what ever you decide.

Well, all you'd need to do is get a left-handed stormshield (fairly easy), and put that on instead of his perdition pistol (the left arm starts at the forearm, the elbow is part of the main body). As for the rest - he is in artificier armour already and a weapon swap isnt strictly necessary as any shape of Relic weapon has the same stats... I did a simple left arm swap with a necron to give him a bionic arm back when necrons first came out (2nd ed)...

Right guys, my model for Dante has still not arrived!

So I drew a picture


It is my idea of how I want my Dante Model to Look like:

I present to you - Lord Shogun Tokugawa of the Rising Suns



I can't draw faces so please excuse me on that....


All comments appreciated



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