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What happened to Deamon weapons?

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I don't know why I've only just noticed but what happened to the good ol' fashioned, traditional, consistent deamon weapon?


I've gone through the codex and despite the writers feeling the need to put in the Army Special Rules the ruling for Deamon Weapons, there are in fact only four deamon weapons in the entire codex. And two of them are on special characters!


Does anyone know why they got rid of just a plain old standard Deamon weapon? It was a nice charactful weapon which added a bit of humour into games occasionally.



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There's never been such a thing as a "consistent" daemon weapon.  Even in 3.5, they were somewhat tempermental.  If anything, the ones we do have now function better than they did in the previous dex since at least you still get to attack with them if you roll a one.


As for why they felt the need to narrow the field so drastically?  Only Phil Kelly could answer that one.

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There really isn't a good reason. The non-sensical removal of many daemon weapon options was just silly. They could have kept the bliss-giver, et al just fine, but for some reasons our idiot overlords saw fit to toss them.

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I would've rather kept the 4th edition weapons for some variety but yeah our dev team just decided not to give us more than those 4 weapons. The weapons we do have are pretty awesome true but it's kind of unfair that only one god gets his own daemon weapon. When I first saw the artifacts page I thought to myself "Ok.....so where are the rest of the daemon weapons?". So you're not the only one there.

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I've had to use the Black Mace instead, what's your opinion on that btw?

Nice weapon for a Lord. Exceptional for a DP. You can challange, kill the sargent sent against you and still cause a lot of damage to the troops. For a Lord it is not as good as the Khorne Axe but it is still a nice weapon. As long as you don't roll a 1 msn-wink.gif
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There's never been such a thing as a "consistent" daemon weapon. Even in 3.5, they were somewhat tempermental.

Dark blade all the wayyyyyyy !

Was dark blade the undivided one w + D6 attacks and +2 str ? That one was AWESOME !!! Always used it !

I dont know why they got rid of most of them ?? Where are the legion rules ?? I was promised legion rules (in the rumors) verymad.gif

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 I was promised legion rules (in the rumors)

[points at FW] they are of course only to be used against other w30k armies , what even the FW DT says themself , but that is as close as you get to legion rules without spaming plague marines .

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Designer’s Note: This means that while you are, of course, free to have fun and play games against
your friends using any forces you like, and Horus Heresy forces will be broadly ‘a fair fight’ with
Codex forces of the same scale
, certain rules anomalies and inconsistencies may be thrown up that
you have to deal with, although these should not seriously affect the game in most cases. (For
example, certain units, such as those with the Stubborn special rule are at a premium costing in
Horus Heresy armies over their regular Codex counterparts, owing to the results of play testing
within their own sphere.)

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Sure, but thenyou are also free to have fun and play games against your friends using homemade weapons and rules.  You can breakout your old battletech figures and play 40K vs Skynet. It is so nice to have their permission to do what I want in my home with my models. I would hate to be arrested because we played a game of chess with GW models.

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