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Blood Angels Army questions


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Hello! I'm new to the B&C forums with a new Blood Angels army and could use a bit of help with my army list.


I started with Dark Angels (Deathwing) and allied Blood Angels (DoA) for massive deepstriking goodness. After playing a few games with my Deepstrike list I've come to love the Blood Angels and want to expend to a full army. 

In view of my limited funds, I would like to ask a few questions. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!


I'm not much of a powergamer but sadly the meta around my area is pretty competitive. One of my friends that I play with regularly fields GK with allied SW. He stuffs 4 chimeras with Jokaero and Coteaz and depending on his rolls can get 48" twin linked rending heavy bolters, 4 twin linked plasma cannons or stuff like that while his 5 long fangs (all ML) and 3 psyiflemen dreads take potshots at anything that isn't in cover. I'd like to field a list that at least doesn't get tabled in turn 1. 




1) I don't want to run Dante/Mephiston/Sanguinor and Sanguinary Guard. Is that feasible?

2) How many Stormravens are needed for a melee focused BA army? (I'm getting at least 1 for assaulting DC goodness)

3) Are vehicles (Rhinos, RBs, LRC, Preds) absolutely needed for a competitive melee BA army?

4) How many Furioso Dreads is too many? (I plan to convert one from my stock Ironclad dread.)

5) Is a list composed of mainly RAS, DC (Either Drop pod or Stormraven), Vanguard Vets, and Sternguard Vets (Either Drop pod or Stormraven) with Captain Tycho (Sane) and a jump pack librarian/reclusiarch feasible? 

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1: Yes.. You can run librarians, and reclusiarch, which is what most people do. You will not loose much from not using sanguinary guards either!

2: I only have one, but most people say that you should use them in pairs.. Alltho, it depends on your point limit, in smaller games, using two ravens would tie up alot of points. Also, theres those awesome traits and abilities that adds +1 to your reserve roll needed.

3: Well.. yes and no.. You should at least get 2 Baal predators, as they are awesome, and gives alot of firepower! I dont run any rhinos, or razorbacks, but i have a land raider redeemer for my DC squad. Im also tempted to invest in a pair of vindicators.. But you can always fill out your fast attack with land raiders or assault bikes, and heavy support with devestators and ravens. This however mostly comes down to who and what your fighting against..!

4: Well.. you can have 3.. Use 2 in a drop pod, save the last elite spot for priests, and make sure you have a third drop pod for something else, so you can drop in 2 at the very first turn. Frag cannons the top weapon choice when comming from drop pods. But i really enjoy my furioso librarian as well.. Dropping one down, with blood lance, and landing on that perfect spot is awesome..!

5: Ive had no luck with DC from drop pods.. they come close, shoot ones, and either dies or gets assaulted on the next turn, before they get to do any assault.. Vanguard vets, and Sternguard vets is something i dont have much experience with.. But i find them very expensive for their purpose.. I usually go for some assault marines with DoA, and meltas if i need a tank destroyed on turn 2. Captain Tycho is quite good in my opinion, but, usually, librarians are better.. If youre fielding DC as well, a reclusiarch will help with the assault..!

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To answer your questions:

1.) yes, totally feasible.  Librarian is probably your best bet, with Reclusiarch a (somewhat distant) 2nd choice unless you're going heavy-Death Company or have a fluff reason to avoid Libbys.  I'd run him with a Jump Pack or with TDA + Storm Shield, toting around a Force Axe in either case.

2.) It depends on your meta.  In a flyer-heavy area I'd run at least 2 (at 1750+ pts).  If you are seeing at most one or two flyers per game then one should be fine.  As for loadout, I highly suggest TLAC + TLMM + Hurricane Bolters.  That's 230pts, but it is versatile and ensures that you have a target for it regardless of the enemy's army composition.

3.) Depends on points levels.  At 1.5k I'll usually run a Stormraven and maybe one Fragioso+DP.  For a melee focus, I'd stay away from Rhinos/Razorbacks and lean towards Raiders and Ravens instead.  As Alyssis said, Baals are nice, but I wouldn't say they're necessary.  Same for Vindies.

4.) 4 at 1999pts, 7 at 2k+ :P  Seriously though, they're great, and well worth any number of elite slots.  A "Fragioso" with Frag Cannon and Blood Fist + Heavy Flamer in a Drop Pod can easily put 15-25 wounds on an unprepared opponent and is a great way to take out annoying backfield units (and get First Blood).  Toss in a Magna Grapple and keep the meltagun rather than take the Heavy Flamer and you've got something that can seriously threaten tanks too.  Keep your Drop Pods odd-numbered and you're golden.

5.) I'm not a fan of either version of Tycho.  I usually find that sane Tycho doesn't do enough for the army: between the number of fearless units we have and ATSKNF, army-wide Ld10 isn't a big deal, and outside of that Tycho is basically a slightly nicer Sternguard vet.  A second librarian or a reclusiarch are less points and usually provide more benefits in terms of force multiplication, while pretty much any of our other ICs are better suited to the aggressive and mobile playstyle BA tend to favour.  As for the rest of that list it looks fine, though I'd consider some heavy weapons, either in predator or devastator form.  A 5-man, 4x ML dev squad is only 130pts and solves a lot of problems.

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1)  Yup, my most common HQ is a Reclusiarch because I prefer DC heavy lists, but my latest list running Tycho and I've had great success with him.

2)  I typically only run 1, but if I know I'll be facing a flyer-heavy opponent I use a list set up with 2 of them.  I agree 100% on Brother Maikel's loadout  as well.

3)  Baal Predators are awesome, but depending on your points budget sometimes they just aren't feasible.  I only run them if I can afford to bring 2, as 1 just doesn't cut it in my opinion.  If I am inclined to run any mechs at all then I usually decide to go mech heavy, as that at least makes it a target rich environment and doesn't leave a lone vehicle for your opponent to use as a shooting gallery.  My usual mech list involves 2 Baals, 2 Razorbacks, and either 2 Dreads or sometimes a Dread and a Land Raider.  Razorbacks and Land Raider are packed with assault units so this could work for you.

4)  I typically only bring 1 Furioso, because as I said before I prefer DC heavy lists.  So for dreadnoughts I usually go with a Furioso with a frag cannon and a DC Blendernaught.

5)  My current list has Tycho as my main HQ.  He goes in a drop pod with sternguard, Frag Furioso goes in a second pod, and DC Blendernaught in a third.  My current list doesn't use Vanguard Vets but Blood Angels are about the only army that can use them effectively.  The opponent you described seems like he would be ripe for the picking of 1 or maybe even 2 VV Heroic Intervention charges.  VV are unfortunately quite expensive when equipped with jump packs, so try not to go too crazy.  DC should definitely either be in a Stormraven or a Razorback if you have a smaller squad, they NEED the charge and your opponent will know this.  I have never managed to use them effectively in a drop pod.

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