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Gaining Warp Charge At Start of Turn

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I posted a reply at some point and mentioned not being able to use psychic powers the turn you deepstrike and so forth. I ate a bit of ridicule and such for my lack of knowledge :P A buddy of mine was on the DA forums and some stuff came up and this was brought up about this exact topic. Wanted to run it by you good folks to see where everyone stands on this ruling if possible.


So I was browsing the DA forum and someone questioned the ability to cast psychic powers on arriving from Reserves. The FAQ question that stated its up to the player to decided what happens first (reserves or psychic powers). But then was quickly shot down with this:

P125: "Unless stated otherwise, a unit cannot charge, or use any abilities or special rules that must be used at the start of the turn, in the turn it arrives from reserve." (emphasis mine)

I haven't checked the rule book yet, as I don't feel like getting it, but it seems that you can't cast psychic powers when you arrive from reserves http://www.bitwize.org/dirtRolling/images/smilies/icon_e_sad.gif

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Rolling for reserves and 'start of turn' powers are done simultaneously, as such, you choose which order they are done in.


Moving on from reserves comes after both of these. After you have moved onto the board, it is no longer the start of the turn, and youcannot cast 'start of turn' powers.


Cut and dry.

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aye, however if only really effects blessings and maledictions, as these have to be cast at the begining of the psykers movement (and is spelled out in the rulebook that they can't cast these coming in from reserve). You could use witchfire powers in the shooting phase after you deepstrike on, for example. 

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But isn't there something weird about generating warpcharge at the start of your movement phase (which happens after the start of the turn) seem to remember something about it raw stops some powers being cast, never played it as such.... But still, after 6 editions you'd think they'd be getting better at catching these.
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brb FAQ:

Q: Blessings are manifested ‘at the start of the Psyker’s Movement
phase’ – does this mean they happen simultaneously with Reserves
rolls, Outflanking rolls etc and if so which is resolved first? (p68)
A: They do occur simultaneously – as such, the player whose
turn it is decides in what order these things occur as per
page 9 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

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Warp charges are generated automatically each turn. I see no rule that says this does not happen in reserves. Also, taking presedence from the Necrons, if it is in the army it happens even if the stinking cheesy lord is off the table (grrr). But ... anyway, even in a fulff perspective, why wouldn't he show up with full warp power since he has yet to spend any?

On a turn that a psyker arrives from reserve (see page 124) he cannot attempt to manifest any psychic powers that must be manifested at the start of the Movement phase.

A psyker already on the table can wait until his movement phase to bless a unit that just came in from reserves but a psyker coming in from reserves cannot cast blessing in the movement phase of the turn it arrives. Later phases are not restricted like this.

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