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Doomgivers (Alt Timeline)

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thats a fair perception

Honestly I haven't read everything you posted so I cannot join the conversation but I'm curious to know why a Space Marine group cannot gain a Legion, or demi-legion, size number?

Go to regions on the border of the Imperium at the End of the Age of Apostasty, start to build your own forces and come back 5 thousand years later with 200K SM.

That's what I decide to do in order to write the fluff about the armies based on HH lists I play sometimes.

Is it impossible? I don't think so and even if it not compatible with current fluff just set your own army in an alterante reality (very common in Science Fiction)

Note: The "go to the borders of Imperium on the Age of Apostasy" is an original idea of mine so don't use it without giving me credit....tongue.png

Also... I'd remove the HH characters from your fluff and go more with "original work".

Just few note, as I said I didn't read all the text you posted.


The lore is the game. Take the lore out, and they're just toy soldiers. Instead of telling us to fit inside your bubble, maybe you should you fit inside the Games Workshops' bubble.

But you can create your own variations... "alterante timelines" exists even on these forums.

As I said I haven't read everything OP posted so it may be good or it may be very bad. I was just surprised to see all of this hostility on having a 200k SM force....

We spend a lot of money on our "toy soldiers", don't you think we have the right to make our own fluff "fun" for ourselves ;)

There are some limits, of course. Just talking about the "general principles" not the "current case"...

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thats a fair perception

Honestly I haven't read everything you posted so I cannot join the conversation but I'm curious to know why a Space Marine group cannot gain a Legion, or demi-legion, size number?

Go to regions on the border of the Imperium at the End of the Age of Apostasty, start to build your own forces and come back 5 thousand years later with 200K SM.

That's what I decide to do in order to write the fluff about the armies based on HH lists I play sometimes.

Is it impossible? I don't think so and even if it not compatible with current fluff just set your own army in an alterante reality (very common in Science Fiction)

Note: The "go to the borders of Imperium on the Age of Apostasy" is an original idea of mine so don't use it without giving me credit....tongue.png

Also... I'd remove the HH characters from your fluff and go more with "original work".

Just few note, as I said I didn't read all the text you posted.


>>The lore is the game. Take the lore out, and they're just toy soldiers. Instead of telling us to fit inside your bubble, maybe you should you fit inside the Games Workshops' bubble.

But you can create your own variations... "alterante timelines" exists even on these forums.

As I said I haven't read everything OP posted so it may be good or it may be very bad. I was just surprised to see all of this hostility on having a 200k SM force....

We spend a lot of money on our "toy soldiers", don't you think we have the right to make our own fluff "fun" for ourselves msn-wink.gif

There are some limits, of course. Just talking about the "general principles" not the "current case"...

Cmdr Shep - thanks for the suggestions. i do actually have an idea for the background, but see as it has come together over several yrs, it will take a while to write properly. that information will clarify why the Doomgivers are so different from other chaos units. also, i appreciate how you are respectful in your criticism and suggestions. cheers friend

Deus Ex - this isnt about the game. there is far more to 40k than the game. think outside the tabletop box. also the Cmdr is right. the Doomgivers would never be part of the official timeline as it would effect major events too much. but as a alternate timeline, where they could exist - why not?

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Cmdr Shep - thanks for the suggestions.  i do actually have an idea for the background, but see as it has come together over several yrs, it will take a while to write properly.  that information will clarify why the Doomgivers are so different from other chaos units.  also, i appreciate how you are respectful in your criticism and suggestions. cheers friend


I always try to respectuf in my criticism because I believe everyone have the right to express their opinions no matter how I agree with them.

Secondly this is a game where we invest a lot of resources (money and time are two of them ;) ) so I think the golden rule is to have fun.

This applies even to the fluff we create for our armies. We could spend that time in writing any other form of orginal fiction and actually get some credit for it. Instead we decide to write something about 40K armies when we know we will never be able to call it our work. Since GW have intellectual properties on the franchising we know we are making fan fiction.

So we make it for fun and fun it's what we should get from our efforts.


Writing a fan fluff completely compatible with official fluff is good and fine but sometimes we want something different, we want to innovate.

What many persons seem to forget is that in the very moment we create our "fluff" we create an alternate timeline/unverse.

After all how can we justify the existence of the X chapter if we never heard of it in the official fluff?

We can make it a low profile chapter with a modest history but how boring is to have a modest chapter who achieved something more than nothing!


Sometimes we want to be those who forge a legend, to be those who guide our "toy soldiers" into myth-forging deeds but if we do it we conflict with official fluff.

How can such glorious heroes/villains be ignored by most of Galaxy. So the only solution is to create an alternate reality where our armies exists.


I know not many of us agree with me and since I usually don't want to create heated arguments I never posted the fluff I created for my own armies. I think I should do, all that can happen is to get some negative feedback because I made my army to be fun to me ;)


Once more, no polemics with anyone, just my random thoughts on the DYI fluff issue ;)

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alright, all of you people who cannot think outside of the bloody lore. UNTIL I WRITE ANY BACKGROUND INFO NO MORE COMMENTS.  this has not brought anything useful or new to the table. i know the lore, do not repeat the lore.

Look, man. It's your army and your hobby, you can (and should) do whatever you want with it. Regardless what anybody else thinks and whether or not it meshes with the official lore.


But when your only introduction to this stuff is "feedback welcome", don't get snippy with us when you get our honest perceptions on how this idea works out in the context of regular 40K.

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We can make it a low profile chapter with a modest history but how

boring is to have a modest chapter who achieved something more than


but that is not a chapter its a legion . I mean this is like making an army female marines or led by the daughter of the emperor.

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Usually, when a DIY project is posted here or elsewhere on the internet, the purpose is to invite others to read, review, critique and comment on it.  It would be safe to assume you are aware of this due to part of your opening gambit

This is a drafting thread for my Doomgivers Legion. All rights reserved. Feedback Welcome


But it seems the only feedback you want is 'Whoa this is awesome!!! You should work for GW brah!'


That sort of feedback is usually reserved for something that is either original or at the least a clever use of the existing fluff or background that impresses upon others the insight and effort involved in a unique perspective or 'twist' if you will.  Unfortunately your project is neither though with some work and a little more humility than the quote below, listening to the criticism offered above, you might end up with something interesting. 


alright, all of you people who cannot think outside of the bloody lore. UNTIL I WRITE ANY BACKGROUND INFO NO MORE COMMENTS.  this has not brought anything useful or new to the table. i know the lore, do not repeat the lore


Firstly it is almost impossible to ascertain if your DIY is Chaos or Loyalist.  You have things like Rubric and Sorcerers sharing the same page space as Razorbacks and titles like Lord Marshall, as well as a specific character 'looking out for treachery'.  This is very clouded and immediately causes confusion.


Secondly it seems you have crowbarred a plethora of terms from a variety of 'Legions' into your DIY


Mournival - Luna Wolves

Dark Council - Word Bearers

TWO former Emperors Children that are deceased by most accounts and serve no actual purpose in the DIY other than *coolness*

Access to ALL 'modern' Space Marine Vehicles

And a warcry *We are Legion*, ripped straight from the sound files of DoW.


As I'm sure you will agree, none of this is in anyway original.


You then further fuel the cries of 'fanboy' by adding such Mary Sue elements like The Soul Ravager, a ship that is *Stronger and faster than any frigate should be*. 


As well as * modern uncorrupted Death Guard Terminators*.


So, you've asked for comments with your 'All rights reserved.  Feedback welcome!' opener and I have given mine.  Sincere apologies if like posts from the other detractors, this causes you undue upset at a project you have put together from your musings over the wealth of 40k material.


I would suggest taking it back to the drawing board and putting a more unique spin on it.




....or something like that


P.S All rights are reserved by our overlords at GW....just sayin'


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i completely agree with you and salute you sir!

Just for the records I was not saying you were right about everything. I just defended the right to make a personal "alternate universe"...Just for the records msn-wink.gif

We can make it a low profile chapter with a modest history but how

boring is to have a modest chapter who achieved something more than


but that is not a chapter its a legion . I mean this is like making an army female marines or led by the daughter of the emperor.

As I said before I just posted my comments on the whole DYI issue. I thinking boosting the rank of a Space Marine over the chapter limit is not impossible. If he is trying to say his DYI is a newly founded official Legion, well in such case it does not make a lot of sense msn-wink.gif


This topic is the clear example of reasons I rarely join conversations on DYI fluff. I just come to post two comments one about the general attitude of such discussions (so I didn't take a side) the other mereley about the possibility to bring a rogue Space Marine force to demi-legion numbers. In both cases I never talked the sepcific case but I ended to be considered a sort of "paladin" for the reasons of side I never took.

Truly outstanding. This proved I was right about the whole DYI fluff matter: I was right in not joining such kind of conversations.

So I'll say one more time just to make things clear. I never took a position on this matter (I hadn't the chance to read the great wall of text in OP. Please do not consider me a Paladind/defender of side I never took. Thank you.

2nd EDIT:

I don't know why I keep getting involved in such "crusades of principle". Defending a principle seems to make you often appear like the defender of a specific side. Then the fun ends and starts the quarrels, where you get involved even though you had no intention too. Truly amazing.

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