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How many EXTRA Daemon Princes and Spawn models?

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Greetings brothers,

Pretty simple one this... With the ridiculous and irritating Chaos Boon table in effect now, how many EXTRA daemon princes and spawn do you have? Y'know, just in case it happens...

I'm currently building my Death Guard army back up and I have one of each, but with five champions and my chaos lord in the mix, is it worth knocking up some more?


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Honestly, I don't think you need more than one or two of each.  I never made more than two or three rolls on the chart per game; I never Princed and only Spawned once in a dozen games.  Got a lot of the +1 Initiative though. . .

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If your luck is like mine, only Typhus will ever change.


The time it happened to me, I was playing my buddy's Chaos army.  One of my CSM champs butchered his cultist champ, and Spawned.  The SAME Assault Phase, his Khârn butchered one of my CSM Champs. . . and Spawned.  At that point, I was so far up in kill points, that we called the game in exasperation.

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I have the 2 spawn models I have always used for the old gift of chaos. I also have 2 DP models like most anyone who played 5th ed CSM. I only play with one DP now so I have 1 extra prince and 2 extra spawn I carry with me. I think that is plenty.
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I don't bring any extras with me.

Lately, my lists have favored shooting, and only my packs of chaos spawn get into combat (and they have no champions). Killing a character with a character happens so rarely that I am untroubled by the Chaos Boon Table.

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If you're talking about funny situations...


My lord (nurgle, terminator, black mace, power axe etc) got the warlord trait reroll boons. Killed the emperors champion and I rolled prince, so I rerolled it and got +1 str. I then killed his warlord and rolled...prince, so rerolled it and got +1 toughness :D


I have 2 plastic prince models, one I bought specifically for the boon roll (so no wings on him), while my other has wings. I also have 2 spawn as I'd like to try out a squad of them eventually.

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Well I have 2 DPs from 5th ed , sadly they arent WYSIWYG back from 5th ed . I have some old GD , but cant use them because WYSIWYG . I do take an old WFB DP with me every time . I do not carry any spawns with me.

How can DP's or GD's be or not be wysiwyg ? They hav powers,  they dont really have equipment that can be represented on a model.

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If you're talking about funny situations...

My lord (nurgle, terminator, black mace, power axe etc) got the warlord trait reroll boons. Killed the emperors champion and I rolled prince, so I rerolled it and got +1 str. I then killed his warlord and rolled...prince, so rerolled it and got +1 toughness biggrin.png

I have 2 plastic prince models, one I bought specifically for the boon roll (so no wings on him), while my other has wings. I also have 2 spawn as I'd like to try out a squad of them eventually.

Good thing you got reroll boons, having a lord w all that equipment become a DP would suck.....Does anyone else see a problem with this ??? That you WOULDNT want to hav your lord turn into a DP ! blink.png I never put much thought into it b4 , but its pretty lame that a lord is better then a DP in this dex.

Does anyone run a DP out off the C:csm's ?

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Well I've never spawned, despite using the "Boon of Mutation" power on my Tzeentch Sorcerer, so I get a roll on the table every turn.  I have Apotheosed once, My Chaos Lord challenged a fellow Lord, killed him (thanks to the Murder Sword) but took 2 wounds in the process, then turned into a Daemon Prince thanks to his advance roll, and then proceeded to munch half of my opponents army, he wasn't best pleased.


I have 2 Princes (from 5th ed.) and both have wings, but it's fairly easy to just use him as a grounded Daemon Prince, I just placed a marker next to him to remind me and my opponent that he couldn't fly.


I don't have any spawn models (although I do have a Lord Conversion that I could use as one if needs be).  My justification is that if I don't have a spawn model, I won't tempt fate into causing me to roll it on the advance table.  Faulty reasoning I know, but it seems to have worked for me thus far.

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Personally, I have only once spawned in my about thirty games. But I must say that my chaos lord having no shooting weapon quite regularily gets +1BS. Maybe he is implying something to me...

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Never had either happen, but...


IMO 2 extra spawn, 1 extra prince.  You probably don't have to worry about either result happening more than twice in a single game, so two extras is plenty.  Also, you should almost never see two of the same result in a single turn, and the prince typically won't live past the turn it appears from what I've seen, so I'd say one prince is enough.


I'd say that's a lot of money to spend on models that aren't even officially part of your army, but I play vamp counts in fantasy, so....

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Personally, I have only once spawned in my about thirty games. But I must say that my chaos lord having no shooting weapon quite regularily gets +1BS. Maybe he is implying something to me...

I have spawned twice in about a dozen or so games -- aspiring champions both times.  I have not had a daemon prince yet.

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I'm maybe 3/2 spawn / prince over about 20 games, including one where a champ got prince, then the next turn the lord got spawned (there can be only one with the favor of the gods, apparently)

So i've never needed more than one of each.

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The very first game I played with the current codex (the saturday when the book came out) I rolled a chaos spawn on one of my Aspiring Champions thanks to the gift of mutation and I just got in love with them so much that now I use them all the time :D


And last saturday I really really wanted to try a 20 man cultist unit with a Chaos Lord with a murder sword and a Dark Apostle, both with the mark of Khorne,

I gave everyone I could the gift of mutaition and the only bad rolls were Shred rule on the lightning claws Aspiring Champion (<.<) and a 66 result (Dark Apotheosis) on the Dark Apostle...

I said "ok, he gets to reroll in the boon chart and I really want to try this unit" so I rerolled.

Result: 65 (Dark Apotheosis)...


The cultists + Lord unit got killed by a Wraithseer large Blast power and the Dark Apostle Daemon Prince got killed by the same Wraithseer on turn 4...


Anyway I usually have 1 Spawn and 1 Daemon Prince just in case :p

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