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Aquilanus <-> Brother Ludovic model swap thread


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So, Aquilanus and I decided to do a model swap: he would paint up and send me an Astartes of the Exorcist Chapter, whereas I would paint up and send him an Astartes from the Lamenters Chapter. Which is what I have started doing. This thread is to document the painting of the said model. Still very WIP right now, but it's getting there :) The camera has revealed a few things here and there that need cleaning up, so I'll do that before continuing onward with the rest of the model.





And here's the weapon he'll be wielding ^_^




Giving C&amp;C at this stage isn't really possible, but do post a comment if you have anything to say ;)





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If I may give a suggestion for the combi-flamer it is to add a very small tank of prometheum in place of the skull in the boltgun. Just to give somewhere for the fuel to reside. Half of a krak grenade would probably fit well and won't unbalance or obscure too much. Otherwise I love how it looks like a one-shot deal as jeremy said. (A pet peeve of mine when it comes to combi-weapons is that they often simply are a regular-sized special weapon bolted to a boltgun.)

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The flamer looks like it comes out of the barrel... I don't know if that was intentional or not. Still looks cool.


I will say, that while combi's are one shot for the purpose of a game, story wise they would have a small amount of ammo in the device, possibly with the ability to reload. Not that this matters for the model, I just thought I would toss that out there.

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Glad you like it, jeremy :)


And cheers for the suggestion Razerz. I may just go along with the half-a-krak-grenade idea. Not sure though because I'm not a fan of things sticking out the side of my boltgun :3 And yes, the half-weapon-taped-to-a-boltgun-thing doesn't make me too happy either. But that's how GW rolls ;)


Anyway, I got some more work done on the Lamenter. Painted the armour on the torso, shoulder pads and arms. Need to do the metallics now, then I move onto the lower part of the body. After that, it's time for adding little details and freehanding the Chapter symbol. That's going to be hell, but it also has to be done, so no choice there.


Thanks for looking!


EDIT: Missed your comment there, War Angel :blush: Thanks for stopping by and for sharing that info. And yes, it was intentional :)

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Looking awesome mate happy.png Hope you don't mind me posting pictures of the Marine I'm doing in return here, rather than start a new topic?


Not the best picture, but I'll find my better camera for the next one rather than use the rather limited camera in my phone.

I am doing two Minis for Ludo (in appreciation for something he did for me sometime ago), but I'm keeping the second one secret laugh.png

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Apologies for the double post, just snapped a couple of pictures of the model as it is now:





I'm not happy with the pictures as they make the shading look absolutely crap and almost oily, when in reality, it blends in a lot better with the armour. But such is the fickle nature of lighting and modern automatic cameras. Moving on to the legs during my next painting session.


Thanks for looking!

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I gotta say, your skill with the brush increases exponentially with every model, Ludo. Looks great so far. Perfect Lamenters' yellow.

Aquilianus - better pics!

Just for you Brother happy.png :



The mini has since the last pic had highlights added. They were rather bright blink.png so I washed the whole mini with a heavy coat of Nuln oil. They're still brighter than I'd have liked, but far better than before laugh.png

I'm not that good at painting red well, so this was a bit of a challenge, but I've learnt a bit more, so can't be bad happy.png

That means a lot to me, Darth, many thanks smile.png

I love the highlights on the Lamenter. If I could get mine that well done, I'd be happy happy.png

More progress soon (but not today, as my fingers are covered in super glue dry.png and I'll be picking the damn stuff off for the rest of the day! laugh.png

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I'm glad that my hard work is appreciated by the man it's for! And just as a suggestion for you, for the next time you paint red and you find the highlights too bright: use some red wash/shade instead of black wash/shade ;) It'll give a nice tinge to the red as well as tone down the highlights :) Looking forward to seeing more progress on that Exorcist!
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  • 3 weeks later...

Apologies for the double post, just snapped a couple of pictures of the model as it is now:





I'm not happy with the pictures as they make the shading look absolutely crap and almost oily, when in reality, it blends in a lot better with the armour. But such is the fickle nature of lighting and modern automatic cameras. Moving on to the legs during my next painting session.


Thanks for looking!

Outstanding cleanses fella. Nice yellow too, well done indeed.

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Cheers mate :) It's not yet as clean as I'd like it to be, but it's definitely an improvement! As for the yellow, it's the Iyanden Yellow that naturally looks good, not my painting skills that embellish it :lol:

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So, how is the model coming along, Aquilanus? On my side, I haven't really made time for painting it, but I'm aiming to finish by month-end thumbsup.gif

Hoping for about the same for the Exorcist. The second mini will take longer as I'm currently mulling over a few things. If I get it right, it won't disappoint ;)

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