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mold lines

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You've answered your first question yourself. The only person whose opinion really matters with regards to how your models look is you. As you've already said that the mold lines are bugging you, then yes, in this case the mold lines do matter :).


The only way to remove them is to scrape them with a modelling knife or file them with a needle file. Both ways will remove any paint on the areas where the mold lines are so you'd have to repaint those areas. But if your careful you can do it without doing significant damage to the finished model.

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Typically mold lines are only a problem if it bothers you. If it doesn't bother you to see the mold lines, you can ignore them. It's all up to you. 


If it does bother you, however, the easiest way to remove a mold line is to take a hobby knife or exacto blade, hold it at a 90 degree angle to the model (such that the blade is sitting nearly straight up off of the side of the model), and scrape carefully along the mold line itself. This scrapes away the top layer of plastic and, in your case, paint. Since there is already paint on the model, there's no way to remove the mold line without removing the paint. 


Here's an image of how best to hold the knife:



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