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So I want to make my own wolf lord and GC


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The first question i would have to ask is how you are going to play the rest of your army? I have two Great Companies. My first one is Wolf Lord Jagen Wyrmblood, his great company specializes in shock attacks and lightning raids. They favor thunderwolves, scouts and drop pods, so my lord is on a thunderwolf mount and leads the charge with his thunderwolf calvary and fights with a frost axe. My second great company is lead by Wolf Lord Sigvald Ironjaw, he favors troop assaults and his company had lots of infantry on foot. He fights in Terminator armor with twin lighting claws and a wolf with his Wolf Guard Terminator body guards.

Play style and fluff are important when picking or making a great company. I favor a very aggressive style, where I force hard decisions and use feint tactics to force my opponent's hand.


Let us know about the lists you run and the tactics you favor.

Grey colour and a symbol involving a wolf somehow. Any help?




Like the others have said though. Have a good think on your play style. Heavy on the scouts? Prefer lots of Long Fangs? Is it one of the Lost Companies?

When ever I sit down to create a new character/company/chapter I try to start at the beginning, why did the rune priests select him to become a Adeptus Astartes? Battling a Fenrisian monster or winning a fighting contest in his tribe? Is he old and grizzled and have forgotten most of his youth or his still young when becoming Wolf lord? How did he become Wolf guard previous to his elevation to Wolf lord? How did the old Wolf Lord die? Why did he become Wolf lord and not someone of the rest of the Wolf guards? Is he a warrior or is he maybe more of a tactician? 


Do he prefer one sort of squads? Is he a zoo keeper with loads of wolves or his more into vehicles or foot slogging men. Is the main body of his men Blood claws or have they aged and are Grey hunters, dose this mean he have more Long fangs and scouts? Is he accompanied by many rune priest, iron priest, dreadnoughts and wolf priests from the Old wolfs great company? If so, why? Are he and/or many of his men marked by the wulfen? How does your warlord equip himself when going to war TDA with ax and stormbolter? Maybe as mine Sitting on a bike with a thunder hammer.  :)


Is the company a lost one or is it a company in another era in the 40k universe? Has the company been in any famous battles (keep away from the more canonical ones)? Do the company have any preferred enemy and if so why? Has he gotten any allies or enemies in the Imperium, how did they become that if so?


Are you going with the blueish or more grey colour as main? Traditional the shoulder colours are yellow, red, white, black and grey which all work, but pure grey armour is kinda boring.  :)  I have the wolf standing on his hind legs on a red background.


I would check out pages with Celtic or Nordic names, and just give him a name either with something he is known for like a monster he has slayed or something that describes him, a Wolf lord like a Wolf lord with a bionic eye could be named Frei Halfface. 


Thar are some suggestions.



Well I am new to playing 40K, but so far i have been playing with, grey hunters in rhinos, one squad of long fangs, a rune priest and occassionaly a couple of land speeders.

I have the models to move this around.


In the one bigger game i played i ran Ragnar and 9 wolf guard in a rhino.


But looking for something different, although i might just go towards morkai, as to be honest im not the most creative pup out here

well if you are looking for inspiration i would say you first need to decide where you want  to get it from. there are loads of styles you could go after, personally i play a celtic list, all my warriors have wode markings on their faces or armour etc

but you could go viking, nordic, gauls, even germanic and load more i can't think of. decide a theme and that will make things easier i think.

another fun one is just play a bit of skyrim, that is stacked with stuff to give fun ideas


personally when im creating a lord or a company i just pull random bits of fluff that i like in to make a nice story


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