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got a bit more done to his bike, this is another mad robot model, an azog treadbike, quite simply, i love it! :)
its like a mini tank, so much more weight to it than a scrambler type thing and yet its still not crazy big like the space marine scout versions you see a lot of.
this will be part of a squad of rough riders or used in ash waste games.
i was originally going to go with no stowage to show off the bikes awesomeness but i shaved off a few rivets by accident, figured it was easier to just cover it up than try to get new rivets to line up. just need to find some more bits for the rear end, suggestions? (not rude ones? :) )


deathspectresgt7 will have to look over my dark angel stuff and see if anything fits


got some time in on my newest guard regiment (from now on planet Bethesda)/necromunda gang, the serg/leader is complete, wasted too much time waiting for paints for the kurgans that didnt arrive and then deciding on a new scheme for bethesda peeps, next month should be more productive?


yep, forgot to mention he had a bionic hand, i just liked the idea of adding more 40k to him. it will also help to explain away weight issues if/when he gets a bolter or ...............:devil:  meltagun :devil:

Edited by RADU LYKAN
  • 3 weeks later...

deathspectresgt7- cheers, was fun to make a silly big machine gun :)


got the scheme hammered out for my kurgans, just needs a wash and basing now


  • 3 weeks later...

kierdale- that seems to be the opinion of the majority accross the forums, on it shall be

chaeron- cheers, there is a definite lack of crow bars in 40k :sad.::smile.:


having a very busy month so have only managed to get a few minutes here and a few minutes there for hobby stuff, got this bloke built and sprayed though so he will be my ammo bunker one mini a month model



reckoning34- lol cheers

armond- its based on a real pre ww2 tracked bike, i dont know how it turns but it must've somehow, rule of cool makes me not too bothered to find out :smile.:

had some trouble getting a photo that wasnt really dark so got annoyed and stuck it in straight sunlight


not too annoyed though as it means i have completed my 4th month of the ammobunkers one mini a month :smile.:

  • 5 weeks later...

had a bit of a horrible week with my daughter bashing her face and the corresponding night in hospital, next morning my youngest sister smashes her brand new corsa into a ditch :sad.: to destress i broke out the paints this morning and managed to get most of the colours blocked out on another 6 bethesdans


hopefully thats it for drama in may and i can get these finished before june

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