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  • 2 weeks later...

cheers :smile.:



this inquisitory/acolytey guy has been a modelling itch i have had for a few years, was originally going to make him in 54mm but the base model is so close to what i am aiming for i broke down and started cutting him up in between working on some bfg stuff. at least he can be shoe horned into my guard army somewhere




obviously the blue tac isnt a permanent addition and his left arm is very long at the moment but what i am after here is some opinions on what he should be holding in his left hand, what i originally had in mind was a flare stick but am now considering a shutter lantern on a chain?

very loosley based on this guy


kierdale- think thats going to be my decision

reckoning34- the scions kit

as was pointed out to me on this and another forum, a shutter lantern "should" be easier to paint, the light being directional means a lot less osl type work, think i will stick with that, time isnt on the side of modellers as we all know so getting a very similar affect for less work works for me :smile.:

while cleaning up a valkyrie the other day a delivery of bits finally turned up after i had nearly written them off, the final parts i needed to begin some necromunda enforcers/carapace vets/scions/inquisitor npcs, just grabbed the time to try out the concept and am after opinions before i dive in




i seem to have grabbed a command torso by mistake, probably going with regular cadian torsos, anyway, what do you think?

  • 4 weeks later...

thanks for comments :smile.:

started blocking in some colours on one of my enforcers



was a bit torn between a metalic gun or the classic red, red won out for the trial run and i think i will stick with it, hoping to get this guy finished for ammobunkers omam

  • 2 weeks later...

cheers :smile.:


and arbites genericfilmstarpoliceofficername is done :smile.:



that sorts omam 7, now to decide whats happening for month 8

props to VisOne and mousemuffins on wargamer au for providing a hazard stripe base template, painting/weathering that was fun

cheers :smile.:


a quick shout out for some help please, last night i finally built a scavvy boss/radical henchman/Haemovore/cultist leader from bits i bought long ago but am stuck on the head, i have one that is usable but i chose it ages ago and the more i think about it the more i want something different as hes going to be a gang leader i am after ideas for the perfect scavvy boss head.


pics welcome or even just something like "vlad von carstein has a cool evil head" type thing, need inspiration


cheers for any help

Do you have a picture of what sort of heads you have available?  Also, might be useful to know the physique of the model before suggesting heads- because something like the bloated head from the old CSM mutation sprue might not look so great on a skinny build.

  • 3 weeks later...

have been on holiday for a bit so have only just managed to get some pics of my scavvy boss/inq henchman guy with the heads suggested in my latest cross forum sweep, thanks for the ideas everyone :smile.:


i might like this more if i shave off the horns? i think they are too mutanty considering i have seen some people say that raw the scavvy boss cant have mutations, that is partly why he has the gadget claw and not a hideous crab/lobster jobby


the plastic clampack necromancer head was suggested but already have that earmarked for something else


these two are way too big but am including them for the sake of completeness, they were suggested so they are here :smile.:



as i said, just too big



this guy was suggested due to its creepyness but as i see me scavvy boss as biting chunks out of his foes while fighting the sewn up mouth doesnt work for me


next up two ghoul heads



i like the snarling bite your face off looks but they dont seem "leadery" enough?



when this guy was suggested i thought i was on to a winner but when i put the parts together it just didnt seem right?


now we get on to some of my favourites, although the ungor one is still an option



this mantic zombie head has a bit of a nosferatu vibe which is cool



this guy is pretty bitey but the fall of the hair does limit him to charging down the base rather than keeping my options open for charging down or about to leap from on high



again nice and bitey



aaaand back to the original, i dont seem to be able to get a decent pic of this head, when i look at the actual model in front of me i think yep but when i look at a photo he loses some of his creepy evilness


anyway can i get some thoughts on which looks best, sorry to keep asking questions about the same model but really am in two (or 5) minds on this one


ps sorry to anybody whose suggestions arent here, i dont have access to every model head (yet :smile.: )

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