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On paper I think they look good as a support character to bolster a medium range shooty squad. BS5 and can fire two (decent) weapons a turn. His abilities are largely situational but I think a useful trick would be to run said shooty squad with a couple of daemon engines/dreads to take advantage of his repair ability.


Alternatively you could stick him next to a defense line quad gun and take advantage of his sweet ballistic skill.

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Are warpsmiths the iron warrior warsmiths??

yes . but just like not all berzerkers are world eaters , the same thing happens with warpsmiths .





Are warpsmiths any good gamewise?

not realy. they would have been a medicore option , if we could take them as elite. as HQ they have nothing to do in chaos lists.

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Are warpsmiths the iron warrior warsmiths??


Negative. This is a case of GW confusing the issue through depleted creativity.


An Iron Warrior Warsmith is the equivalent of a Chapter Master. It's a title, so in the game it should be your warband's leader, if your an Iron Warrior warband or splinter faction.


A Warpsmith is more or less a corrupted Tech Marine who has wandered into the HQ slot for some reason.

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I tried using one in a 1000 point game shortly after the codex came out. That game went ok, but some things were clear:


The shooting advantage that mechadendrites gives him allows for some good pre-assault fire, and the number of attacks that a Warpsmith has if you give it the mark of Khorne seems really attractive, but 2 wounds is a concern. My biggest gripe is that "Shatter Defenses" can't affect Fortifications purchased by your opponent, perhaps because of the number of Fortresses of Redemption that get used around here.


If the Warpsmith (and Dark Apostle for that matter) were in the Elite slot, then I think I would use them more often. I know that I kind of like the model, and I really like the concept. If in some fever-dream future CSM get "Traitor Guard" as battle brothers, I can see a lot of Warpsmiths being put into lists.

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I've actually found the warpsmith to be truely terrible when I play him. If you make a repair, you are giving up your shooting, and it only works half of the time, and it can't repair anywhere close to as fast as damage can be accumulated. The repair ability has failed me FAR more than it has helped, and to make it worse, almost all vehicles will move faster than the warpsmith (who needs to be in base contact to repair), and all stationary vehicles are generally spread out a bit for better fire angles or to avoid templates and beams. In my opinion, the warpsmith is probably the single most useless unit in our codex. Again, this is only my experience, but I've run him in many a game since the codex release.

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Warpsmiths defiantly do not represent Iron Warrior Warsmiths.  The Chaos Warlord more accurately represent a warsmith.  Yes, they are good with technology, but they are leaders and skilled at the art of war.  Look a Honsou and others mentioned in literature from Black Library.  They fit the image of the chaos warlord.


On a side note, Warsmiths actually have more authority than a chapter master.  In the newer literature, a Warmsmith commanded Grand battalions which consisted of multiple Grand companies, if which there were 12 grand battalions during the Horus Heresey (disagree with the older sources saying 12 grand companies). 


I would say though Iron Warriors would have more Warmpsmiths than any other traitor legion though.  If it fluffy to have a Warpsmith in an Iron Warrior army.

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Like others hav said (so I dont know why I'm repeating it) the WS in the dex is not really a representive of an IW's warpsmith. AN IW's WS would be more like a well decked out chaos lord. The WS in the dex is more like a slightly more powersful  tech marine.

Gamewize WS are pretty bad and useless, def the worst HQ choice we hav, really not worth taking.

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I'm w' jeske, the warpsmith isn't really good, but it's way better than the apostle.  Does some things that, while questionable in their utility, are still things that other options don't already do (the apostle's zealot rule is mostly covered by fearless lords and the vet upgrade on units).  And the smith is better armed at both melee and range, with melta, flamer, and a mess of axe attacks, instead of pistol and a sad little pile of mace attacks.  Both suffer from poor defensive stats for characters that tend to get stuck in challenges against their will, but at least the warpsmith has the offensive punch to be threatening.

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Non-boon, non-terminator.  Terminator lords and sorcerers (and special characters and units) also have 2+ saves.  They may not be the best options for running those characters, but then again the warpsmith isn't the best HQ choice, either.


Of course, the apostle can't take terminator armor, either, so...  yeah.

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I still see the best HQ for any army the Chaos Lord (maybe Sorcerer for 1KS). He's just extremely versatile.

Back to the WS... If I merge fluff and gameplay together, I can hardly imagine those grumpy, bitter, angry Iron Warriors follow such a loser with 2 wounds and mechatentacles :-)

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Its a shame that warpsmiths seem so poor then. im guessing a daemon prince is still the best HQ choice then?

well equipped DP's have become very expensive in this dex. I think lords are a better option between marks,  artefacts, D weapons, termi armor, bikes,  etc, they have lots of options.

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Lords are in essence mandatory if you're running any sort of cult troops.

Even if you're not running cult units, Lords are a very solid beatstick unit and often attached to cost effective fast moving units.

Sorcerers work best (in my opinion) as undivided HQs using either biomancy or telepathy to create a beatstick or support unit.


That said, I'm using a daemon prince because I'm a sucker for the model and I'm pairing him up with an allied Bloodthirster for dual monster madness.

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I think that when I try a Land raider against Tau, I may want a Warpsmith riding in it to repair hull points as it crosses the table. Also against Tau, the Warpsmith is a good enough combatant.

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Tactical Marines are good enough combatants against the Tau; a Warpsmith is a great combatant against Tau, where a Chaos Lord is probably overkill.

I'd expect stock cultists to beat Fire Warriors more often than not.

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I've used Warpsmith quote a bit in my Warband and gameswise he is okayish for his points. The sad thing about him is that he is really, really good in only one thing: Killing large numbers of rank-and-file models. Due to having flamer and meltagun (both of which he can shoot at once) and five power axe attacks while being protected by 2+ armour he does make a mess of any and all Troops and most Elites, too. However, he isn't that hot in challenges and thus Chaos Lord with some wargear is usually a safer and better option.

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Tactical Marines are good enough combatants against the Tau; a Warpsmith is a great combatant against Tau, where a Chaos Lord is probably overkill.

Not sure I understand the concept of overkill in 40k ?? So yes , if you dont want your IC to be "too good" , warpsmith might be a fine HQ. I do agree that him having a real flaner and melta is good (the fact that chaos HQ's usually cant makes no sense to me) " I'm a chaos lord, I command 100's/1000's of csm's, battle barges, daemon engines, and all of that, but I cant seem to put my hands on a real melta or flamer ?? blink.png ". But I dont feel it makes him worth his price tag.

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