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Question about Flying Monstrous Creatures

Cmdr Shepard

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Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

I have a question about Flying Monstrous Creatures.


Rulebook says a FMC starts the game in glide mode is deployed on table. Does it mean the FMC cannot change its mode until second turn or can it choose to do swoop at the beginning of its firt movement phase?


Thank you for your help.

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"A Flying Monstrous Creature that is deployed at the start of the game starts in Glide mode.", BRB, pg.49

"At the start of its move, a Flying Monstrous Creature must declare whether it is Swooping or Gliding until the start of its next turn.", BRB, pg.49


So the FMC starts the game Gliding. In your turn, you may then declare the change to Swooping. Until you do, it will be vulnerable and when you do, you won't be able to change it until your next turn.

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"A Flying Monstrous Creature that is deployed at the start of the game starts in Glide mode.", BRB, pg.49

"At the start of its move, a Flying Monstrous Creature must declare whether it is Swooping or Gliding until the start of its next turn.", BRB, pg.49


So the FMC starts the game Gliding. In your turn, you may then declare the change to Swooping. Until you do, it will be vulnerable and when you do, you won't be able to change it until your next turn.


So if the FMC's army has the first turn it can immediatly declare it is swooping at the begin of its first movement phase...

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"A Flying Monstrous Creature that is deployed at the start of the game starts in Glide mode.", BRB, pg.49

"At the start of its move, a Flying Monstrous Creature must declare whether it is Swooping or Gliding until the start of its next turn.", BRB, pg.49

So the FMC starts the game Gliding. In your turn, you may then declare the change to Swooping. Until you do, it will be vulnerable and when you do, you won't be able to change it until your next turn.


So if the FMC's army has the first turn it can immediatly declare it is swooping at the begin of its first movement phase...

That's probably not the RAI, but that is the RAW.
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"A Flying Monstrous Creature that is deployed at the start of the game starts in Glide mode.", BRB, pg.49

"At the start of its move, a Flying Monstrous Creature must declare whether it is Swooping or Gliding until the start of its next turn.", BRB, pg.49

So the FMC starts the game Gliding. In your turn, you may then declare the change to Swooping. Until you do, it will be vulnerable and when you do, you won't be able to change it until your next turn.


So if the FMC's army has the first turn it can immediatly declare it is swooping at the begin of its first movement phase...

That's probably not the RAI, but that is the RAW.


Understood. I must say I had some doubt about the RAI aspect of the matter but as you RAW seems to suggest the above interpretation.


Thank you again.

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That is indeed how it works, keep in mind however that someone swooping their FMC on turn 1 will put it front and center of their army and make it easy pickings.  Keep in mind that every single unit that scores even a single hit on it forces it to take a grounding test.  Even if they can't wound it they can down it with small arms fire.  Once it is grounded you can pound it with high powered guns.


For the most part in my experience, Tyranids players at least will be very protective of their flying hive tyrants the first turn, hiding it behind line of sight blocking terrain so that the rest of their army can get into threatening range before the hive tyrant switches to swooping and crosses the board.  If you just swoop immediately you are giving your enemy a free warlord kill, probably first blood, and removing one of your most expensive units.  Regardless of whether swooping turn 1 is RAI (which I am pretty sure it is), it is generally not a good idea unless there is some REALLY convenient LOS blocking terrain within the minimum range across the board.


Hope this helps.

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My regular opponents run double flyrants and a daemon prince, and I agree with infornography. They will deploy in cover and swoop as soon as they can.


I've found that getting the first turn really helps, as it means no Iron Arm and/or Endurance and no swooping.


Grounding them is always memorable, but try not to rely on it.


Also, I'm not sure why RAI and RAW would be in conflict in this case...

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