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Hi all,

Just a quickie: I'm about to paint my new Dark Angel Deathwing models, they're going to be my first mainly airbrushed army.


The bases are being painted sepeartelty so I need to mount them on decent sized corks or similar for the duration of their painting. 'Regular' wine corks are a bit small, plus I unfortunately don't drink enough!

Where can I get slightly more substansial corks from that I see used in various WiP etc? Google didn't turn up much of any use - either regular small ones or really big plugs for about £3 each. I don't need one for every model (25) as I'll definitely paint in smaller batches as I learn, but 5 -10 would be ideal.

Cheers for any thoughts, tips or recommendations!



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I got mine from a homebrew store.  I usually have at least one batch of mead going which is what I use the corks for.  Ale goes straight to the keg.  New corks are slightly larger than what you will get from a wine bottle because they have not been compressed.


you could also tack them to old or unused bases long enough to paint them.  The problem with this is that you wind up having to drill holes for the pins in a finished model.  This is just asking for an accident to happen. 

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I got mine from a homebrew store.  I usually have at least one batch of mead going which is what I use the corks for.  Ale goes straight to the keg.  New corks are slightly larger than what you will get from a wine bottle because they have not been compressed.


you could also tack them to old or unused bases long enough to paint them.  The problem with this is that you wind up having to drill holes for the pins in a finished model.  This is just asking for an accident to happen. 




Thanks guys - the 'bung' type cork is what I was after. S.k.i.t.t.l.e those are perfect dude! I had tried ebay but obviously hadn't searched quite the right term.


If you go to Wickes, you can pick up cork tiles - i think it was 9 for 9 pounds and also they were quite big. One board should be enough for those guys easily.


Good luck


This was my first idea Vister after my searching failed - I tried it with a broken up cork sanding block for added chunkiness though but it wasn't quite right - needed something a little more substantial to hold. Cheers for the added idea though :)


Probelm solved!



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Get hold of some open-cell polystyene packing. Usually with electrical goods (TV's etc). It's a translucent white in colour. Normal expanded foam will work but won't last as well - the open cell stuff withstands piercing very well.


Get cocktail sticks and glue them to bases, shove them into drilled 0.8mm holes on small parts etc. Instant handles. When not holding, shove the stick into the foam. You get very good access, a handle, and a means of keeping parts out of contact while they dry.


http://www.winterdyne.co.uk/maz/winterdyne_tutorial1.pdf demonstrates. Wow, not looked at that in a while. Hope this helps.

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I don't know about in the UK, but hardware stores in the US have various sized cork stoppers in the drawers where they keep the odd hardware bits. It's surprising sometimes what these places will have in stock if you look hard enough.


Or if you have any of the old paint pots, those work just as well as corks.

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Reb, may want to see this thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/271195-cork-for-basing-uk-source/


It's ridiculously cheap too - can't recommend more highly.


A very good link Mr Chaeron, that was my own last thred for the basing ;) Got all the bases done now. I got a little distracted finishing off some Angels Sanguine for Throne of Skulls but am back on the Deathwing now.


Should have all 40-ish cork bases painted after the weekend. I'll be starting a WiP thread for that army too.


Hope your adventures with cork went well?

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Reb, may want to see this thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/271195-cork-for-basing-uk-source/

It's ridiculously cheap too - can't recommend more highly.

A very good link Mr Chaeron, that was my own last thred for the basing msn-wink.gif Got all the bases done now. I got a little distracted finishing off some Angels Sanguine for Throne of Skulls but am back on the Deathwing now.

Should have all 40-ish cork bases painted after the weekend. I'll be starting a WiP thread for that army too.

Hope your adventures with cork went well?

Sorry mate - going mad in my old age. Pretty sure 4D did generic corks too if you wanted to stick them on!

All went very well - can't grumble. Looking good I feel - few examples in my sig!

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