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Question about Razorbacks and squad size


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Hello all.  I'm just starting to get back into the game, so if this question has been answered elsewhere, I apologize.


I was reading the v. 1.2 of the Codex: Space Marines from the GW website.  In the FAQ section is a question that kind of threw me for a loop.

"Q: Some Space Marine squads can take a Razorback as a dedicated transport.  A Razorback has a transport capacity of six models.  Can you still choose this as a dedicated transport for a unit with more than six models? (p. 77)

A: Yes"


At first, I read that as saying that I could take a full 10-man tac squad, start them in a Razorback at deployment, and essentially the transport capacity doesn't matter.  After discussing it with a friend, I'm starting to agree with him in that you can take it as a dedicated transport for a 10 man squad, but it stays empty since that 10 man squad is over the transport capacity of the Razorback.


So, was my initial thought correct, or the second thought?

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Second thought is correct, a 10 man squad can take a Razorback but only six may ride within.


You could either achieve this by splitting them into combat squads and giving one the Razorback, or by losing four marines from the squad as casualties.

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You can buy the Razorback regardless of squad size, but you can only embark a unit of 6 or less. So a 10-man Tactical Squad can be given a Razorback, but cannot embark unless they either fall below the 6-man limit due to casualties, or you use the Combat Squad rule to split the squad into 2 5-man units (in which case one of them can embark).


Does that help?

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