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new codex


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By all accounts the new marines are getting some anti air stuff on rhino chassis (one a but like a whirlwind with missiles and one which fires a big laser) so they could be good additions to our codex. That and the storm raven and then some suitable wolfy tweaks.

And not saying we of the Rout need it but if our Wolfguard could take hellfire-rounds in power armour like SM sterngaurd that would be nice

You know, I like WG, but tda gets expensive and troublesome to transport and PA are nearly useless as an impression (I know they're not useless). A cheap upgrade like hellfire rounds would definitely make them more enticing and something I haven't considered before.

^^ x100 - I would love to be able to field PA wolfguard as a single unit in a semi-competitive state that isn't prohibitively expensive. Although GW never seems to 'get' PA veterans of any Codex right (infantry/jump infantry, that is). It'd be nice for vets across the codexes to be a little more tempting in their PA state.


I wonder what effect switching the points costs from the current Codex: Space Marines to SW would have - I certainly feel it'd balance GH and LF pretty well (if you include the costs for Devastator weaponry on Long Fangs). I struggle to think of any other (negative) balance changes needed to SW as they stand, but I may be wrong.

who needs a new codex when you have wolf lords and rune priests. the other week i had 14 attacks with my warrior born thunderwolf mounted super slayer. he strolled up to a full 10 man marine squad and said eat frost blade, not 1 was left standing... and jaws is (in my honest opinion) the best psychic power in the game, hahaha silly tau. we dont 'need' a new codex but every ones loves new toys. that being said, i was disappointed we didnt get access to the stormraven when vanilla and BT did. 

By all accounts the new marines are getting some anti air stuff on rhino chassis (one a but like a whirlwind with missiles and one which fires a big laser) so they could be good additions to our codex. That and the storm raven and then some suitable wolfy tweaks.

Ah yes, the Hunter. Good old Epic vehicle smile.png

Hope it's true. Fliers really aren't a good fit with 40k at the moment.


And not saying we of the Rout need it but if our Wolfguard could take hellfire-rounds in power armour like SM sterngaurd that would be nice

You know, I like WG, but tda gets expensive and troublesome to transport and PA are nearly useless as an impression (I know they're not useless). A cheap upgrade like hellfire rounds would definitely make them more enticing and something I haven't considered before.

Ive often thought that a 5pt upgrade to get 1-2 types of special munitions would make PAWG amazingly versatile.


And an anti-aircraft missile option for the whirlwind *IE the Hyperios* would be nice, a second tank with such options would round out the force nicely.


Hehe... maybe a dreadnaught saga of the dragonslayer- gains the ability to fire its weapons as if they had skyfire? +20pts.

I would love to see Dreadnought specific sagas. They ARE the eldest of Space Wolves, and must have suitably magnificent tales to go with them.

Well they have many, many sagas. It is just that they get put to sleep and forget them all. Venerables get a saga, but it isn't because they have done something, just that their presence is inspiring.

I would love to see Dreadnought specific sagas. They ARE the eldest of Space Wolves, and must have suitably magnificent tales to go with them. 

Apart from the SW contemptor and their night sagas, I would have to agree with you. Unless they (GW) decide to eventually incorporate night sagas (forgeworld) onto the old ones, onto a future SW codex. Seeing as there are plenty of them (dreadnoughts types) sleeping in the depths of the underfang already.

I personally can't wait for a new codex just for the challenge of it. I think that the Vlka Fenryka are consistantly on the top of tournament lists not so much because of what is or is not included in our codex but because we as players take the time to learn and maximize what we have. It's also been my experience that we wolves tend to know our enemies capabilities sometimes better than they do. So let them do what they may to our 'dex. We'll still figure out how to wreck face with it cause that's just what we do.


For Russ!

I personally can't wait for a new codex just for the challenge of it. I think that the Vlka Fenryka are consistantly on the top of tournament lists not so much because of what is or is not included in our codex but because we as players take the time to learn and maximize what we have. It's also been my experience that we wolves tend to know our enemies capabilities sometimes better than they do. So let them do what they may to our 'dex. We'll still figure out how to wreck face with it cause that's just what we do.


For Russ!


Besides, if it ends up being a truly terrible Codex. We're the Wolves, stick with 5th, we aren't codex compliant!

We'll get our next one in due time. I'd frankly much rather the designers take care of those armies that really need it the most first, then get to the Space Wolves when they're all taken care of.<br /><br />Valerian<br /><br />

This might seem trivial but I really want an alternative rule to acute senses so that it means something. The Space Wolves heightened senses is one of the most defining characteristics of this chapter and it doesn't show on the tabletop.


Yea it's not particularly useful in an army that can't outflank with much. Would be cool if it gave you buffs towards units with Stealth / Shrouded

Well, given that Acute Senses is basically free, it wouldn't be appropriate for it to be a substantial boon. As it stands, it is still there, helpful in specific circumstances, and still more or less fits the fluff. If it actually started making a real difference on the table-top then they'd have to start making up for that by increasing unit costs.


Be careful what you wish for.



Hmm... A wishlist for a 6e wolves codex?


-Sagas for Dreadnaughts.

-Something to buff scouts. Perhaps Erik Morkai as a special Character, making scouts troops and letting them, for 1 player turn of the game, assault the turn they come in from reserves?

-Wolf Standard rebalancing. Now, I'm not saying the Wolf Standard is broken, but rather, that mechanically speaking, you're encouraged to spam a wargear item that shouldn't be in quantities of more than 1-2 per army, fluff-wise. The solution? Give Space Wolves command Squads of Wolf Guard, and let those command squads take a banner that affects all Wolves in a radius around the banner.

-A closed-top Assault Transport for Blood claws. Because that's one of the big reasons (aside from being the same cost as Grey Hunters) we don't take them- To get the most out of them, they need assault transports, and 250 points for a transport is a lot. Closed-top because the idea here is to ferry blood claws from point a to point b, not allow Grey Hunters to do drive-bys.

-An innexpensive (points cost) flier that can work well in packs. Because when I picture a flier for the wolves, I imagine one designed to hunt in packs, much like the Space Wolves themselves.

-Split Wolf Guard terminators into their own unit, so that wargear upgrades no longer have absurd prices.

-Give all units a character. Without an upgrade to a veteran sgt wolf guard pack leader, the character is merely the dominant member of the pack.

ELT, the rumor is that the Black Templar are getting rolled up into the Space Marines Codex again.



That rumour has be going back and forth with codex is written but gw just can't find a spot to release it in


I see the they will get one eventually rumour is back

After all no codex has been dropped before


Okay there are a few things that I would like to see as well.


Wolf Lords-One small question and then I will be off, Why does it seem that between the DOA from Blood Angels and the Chapter Tactics/Orbital Bombardment of the Codex Chapters we may have had our Jarls overlooked.  I do not think the Thunder Lord option is a good  trade off.

Rune Priests-While I really REALLY love them, they are too easy to take/abuse/spam.  I would like to see them have a wider variety of weapon choices, not as great a Lord or Battle Leader.

Wolf Priests-I would like to see them get options to provide different bonuses, as they choose to be Flesh Weavers or Battle Leaders.

Battle Leaders- I am good with them as they are.

Speaking of wolf guard....can we please give them the Wolf Standards, with different ablities, there by limiting their numbers.  I wouldn't mind giving the pack leaders similar ablities as the current Wolf Standard for an appropriate cost.

Scouts-for being the Route's in house veteran stealth killers they don't quite seem to measure up.

Veteran Dreadnaughts I agree that they should be allowed to take sagas. I would also like to see the ironclad varaint.

Iron Priest....Man where to begin.  I think that there needs to be a serious discussion about where they need to be, what their options should be.

Grey Hunters-  I like them, but they are just a little too good with the options that they have access to.  I would like to see them change a little, the Wolf Standard is a little too potent.  I intensely dislike the fact that it seems these tend to be the allies of choice with an accompanying rune priest.

Blood Claws- Please do something with them, point changes, different weapon options access to Wolf Bitten something to make them more desirable.

Thunder Wolf Cav- Soo we have what are considered to be Jarl Guard riding giant wolves....I would like to see some other options. 

I would like an air option that isn't wolfed out to the max....


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