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Painting Red


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khorne red over black primer, pin wash with nuln oil, highlight with mephiston red, extreme highlight with orange (can't remember the name off-hand.)


This achieves a very dark red. One thing to remember, is that even the GW red base paints need several coats for good coverage.

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I don't use GW colors, but I use their (old) washes.  What I do is;


Prime a Neutral grey or white (when I prime white I shade an extra layer - still comes out a bit lighter.)

Three light coats of Lipstick Red (FolkArt Acrylics)

1 coat of Ogryn Flesh wash (Citadel)

1 coat of Blood Red wash (Citadel) (I wash a 2nd time with this if I primed white

Highlight with Lipstick Red (FolkArt Acrylics)

Highlight with Red Light (FolkArt Acrylics)

Highlight with Pure Orange (FolkArt Acrylics)


Here's the result:


Grey Primer:




White Primer:



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What about flat armor plating, such as on a dreadnought? Flat blood red with orange corner highlights? Or more complicated, like shading blood red over khornate red?


I use the exact same method as above, except I do the basecoat with a red aerosol spray:




I painted this dread (and my second) without priming first and found that it can lead to easier chipping, despite varnishing.  For later vehicles I'll first base grey then spray red.

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I personally use


Chaos black undercoat

Mephiston red base

Quick layer of evil suns

Caraboo crimson or whatever

Do the main areas evil suns again

If I'm feeling arty a quick tiny highlight with trollslayer orange.


Most can be sprayed (meph red, 1st evil sunz and ink if you really want) so if youv a horde to do, it's pretty time effective.

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Ask yourself how committed are you to following a paint color recipe?


It is true everyone has their own color preference. What is you color preference? Do you want  a brighter red starting with white primer, something in the middle with grey primer, or a darker red starting with a black primer. Furthermore how many layers to you really want to paint to achieve the color red. This is important in the long run. The more layers it takes to get red may produce great miniatures, but in the long run all the painting and cost is rather daunting and you might stall or quit.


Here is a what I did to go about choosing materials for the color red.


A long time ago in a time GW prices were not out of control, GW made Blood Red spray paint, red ink, and chestnut ink. I would prime my models with white spray paint, then apply Blood Red spray paint, and then apply a generous mix of red and chestnut inks. The GW stopped selling them and I was stuck for almost 10 years easy.


Then I discovered Army Painter so I tested their spray paint against the old GW Blood Red spray paint. Yes I still have a working can. Army Painter spray paints are good as they remove the need for a primer and they offer Pure Red (Light) and Dragon Red (Dark), I use Pure Red. Plus they offer a pure red dropper bottle paint which is tremendously helpful when cleaning up models from paint mistakes.


Then I discovered Liquitex inks which are better than GW inks and applied them to my LRC.


This is a WIP shot of the LRC showing how nice the ink enhances the red. I stress the enhance as it is designed to stain the red color.


Some say me red is bright, but when the models are in pictures they stand out easily showing a Blood Angel model is causing all sorts of trouble. Plus the LRC's first game post painting did get damaged at all.

Here is a Devastator squad I am currently working on as well.


Army Painter provides the blue paint I used and Liquitex makes a blue ink as well.


Believe it or not the older GW How to Paint Miniatures actually refers to using red an chestnut ink mixed on Blood Red paint when painting Blood Angels. I got the tip elsewhere though prior to reading it.


I hope this helps.

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check out warbosstae on youtube as he has a good how to for painting a blood angels assault marine sergeant. I follow his method by:

priming black

basecoat khorne red

go over with mephiston red

wash with carroburg crimson

paint over lighted spots with mephiston red again

highlight with wazdakka red

edge highlight with evil suns scarlet


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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't painted a lot yet, but I've found this combo works really well,

Prime army painter red (white or grey will work too)

Base mephiston red

Wash carroburg crimson

retouch with mephiston red

layer evil sunz scarlett

Layer a thin coat (too much will come out orangish) of wild rider red

Glaze Bloodletter (you can apply multiple coats if desired)

Edge highlighting- haven't got this exactly down yet, but pure wild rider red (its brighter than the glazed over wild rider done earlier)

(Very) Fine edge highlight on just the highest edges and corners of either troll slayer orange or fire dragon bright...I'm gonna buy the new edge paint, lugganoth orange, and see if that works better. In my opinion I think the edges are too orange, probably edging too thick.

With each layered highlight remember to cover less and less ara with each layer; the wildrider (before the glaze) should only be covering the top of the back packs parts.

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