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A Couple of ForgeWorld Open Day Photos


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Sadly I wasn't able to go however a friend of mine took a couple of BA specific photographs:






Anyone notice anything a little "off"?

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I think that Death Company Contemptor is just using normal Contemptor and Blood Angels bits. Those single sided blood drop and wings are in the Death Company sprue, I think. And the rest is all just transfers or really well done free hand painting. The Fellglaive looks awesome in red.

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Why would we have had Mortis' back then and lost them since? That's kinda frustrating.


Also, didn't the DC not exist until after Sanguinius died? So, this can quite be PRE-Heresy.


Edit: Or even during the Heresy, since Sanguinius dying was pretty well simultaneous with the Heresy ending.

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Fear to Tread POSSIBLE Spoiler for TomJoad - It's not TOO much of a spoiler, but

you see Death Co in the first... 50 pages? of Fear to Tread.




that is just one dude, and the black rage is described as infrequent isolated incidents, and Sangy dispatched the afflicted marine very quickly. No way would they ever put one in a dreadnaught

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I am guessing that using the Death Company in Heresy Era is possible, based on the old fluff in codexes and descriptions of the Siege of Terra where there was a remark from Dorn about the untrustworthyness of the Blood Angels to hold a position during the battle when they charged into close combat from their fortifications. But that may be Dorn, the defensive warfare guy, not liking close combat. Or maybe that's more Red thirsty, and not Black Ragey, but either way, I think Dreadnoughts were a lot more common in 30k  than they are in 40k.



that whole Signus Prime thing in the book, where they were cutting down Space Wolves and not other Blood Angels, which seems to be the case even for the Death Company since they don't attack each other while being delivered, etc. And we don't know what happened inbetween Signus Prime and the Siege of Terra quite yet as far as the frequency is concerned.


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The e-cookie goes to Tomjoad as it is in fact, the Death Company Dreadnought. Despite the model looking really good, doesn't it go against established fluff to have Death Company in a Pre-Heresy force?


From what I can tell, Legions seem to have one legion-specific unit and shouldn't ours be Sanguinary Guard? (According to the fluff in our current Codex anyway...)

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I was at this open day myself and had a good chat with the guy who was behind the stand, he has approx 7k of blood angels and 3k of pre heresy salamanders that were used on display v world eaters opposite him.


I asked him about the tones, he said that, like me, he prefers the 'blood angel orange' look to a darker one as the fellblade demonstrates.


The emblems are giant transfers (on a land raider further to the left) from what I could see, and was not free hand. The tell tale sign although well hidden of the edge gave them away in the light.


I have pictures of this myself, what is the best way to post them up as I am new to bolter and chainsword...god knows why as iv been playing for 22 years lol

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The best way is (unless you have an external website you can use) is to upload them to your gallery space on this website. However the server is in "performance mode" at the moment so you may not be able to do this until tomorrow.


Once you have done that you can use the image button on your reply toolbar to wrap tags around the link to your picture and that will allow it to post.

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