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Dark Angel Display Board

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Will be entering a 40k Tourney in May.  The army is mostly painted but I still need to put together a display board of some type.  I have never made one, so the plan is to buy a picture frame of a certain size then add a Styrofoam layer to carve the features taken from my resin bases.  Once carved I will then paint to match my bases.


Has anyone recently done this and if so what all tools did you need? Pictures of display board.


Other ideas of display boards are most welcome.

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I myself have been toying around with what to build for a display board. I recently saw a very nice one for a DA/BA force that consisted of a blown out looking ruin board. On the same vein I was trying to figure out how to build an outer courtyard of a monastery sort of thing, play it off as a bay of The Rock maybe.

I too am interested in hearing from our more veteran brothers on this topic (as google searching comes up with squat... and even that shows Squats pinch.gif )

I tried this with a frame once.  My only suggestion, is get a good quality frame, even have one built.  I got a poster frame, and it was good while I was working on it, but a month later the frame itself broke.  If you can custom build the frame its even better.  I attached my frame to a piece of masonite, which is a thin solid board, about 1/8 inch thick and found at any hardware store (at least in the US, i got mine from home depot, and its cheap and they can cut it to size).  


I plan to do another display board sometime in the future, maybe this summer.  Debating on whether or not to get my army ready for armies on parade as the local GW store will have a contest at the end of June.  If I redo this, I am not going with the frame idea, while it makes the army more ornate, it was a little awkward at times.   I might look at custom making my own thin framed board to add the foam to, as I can then make sure the quality is good and durable and that it is built to last.  I might try to get a friend of mine to do the wood working part, just cause he has the tools that I don't, but then it comes down to working out a sketch and getting the money to pay him to do it for me.


Best of luck on this, and show us some pics.  Display board images are hard to come by.  


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