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Joining the Crusade

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Hi everyone. I was first exposed to 40k as a kid back in the Rogue Trader days, and played with a friend's army into 2nd Edition. After all these years I started reading some Black Library books and want to play once again. There are several armies that interest me and I'm only just starting to learn how to paint miniatures, so what army I start with might depend on what colors I'm able to pull off as a complete neophyte. But at sooner or later I will have a Black Templar army because I love them above all other Chapters. I asked a friend who is more familiar with the current game and he recommended this website above all others for my Astartes needs.

I look forward to cleansing the galaxy of the Emperor's enemies with all of you :)

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Good to hear your friend recommended us! Welcome aboard, and feel free to ask any questions. The Templars have their own forum here, so hopefully your need will be well met.
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