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Lord delivery options


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I'm currently building up a spawn/maulerfeind assault army. (Triple spawn units, triple maulerfeinds) and want to use noise marines for the homebase/fire support (2-3 units of 5 man blastmaster.

This however requires a slaanesh lord.

As I dislike having useless units, the lord is getting fitted out for combat. But now I've run into the problem is of how to get him there.

Putting him on a bike and with a spawn unit ends up slowing the spawn down, preventing their run move, while giving him the slaanesh steed leaves him rubber-banding and dragging behind the unit. Both also require me to drop the Nurgle mark on the spawn, not a deal-breaker, but definitely something that decreases survivability.

The cheapest solution is a cultist blob, either marching upfield or outflanking with the steed. However, the cultist blob seems redundant with all the other anti-infantry firepower/attacks already in the list.

Putting him with the a marine bodyguard (either NM or reg CSM) tends to geet too expensive for my pts budget.

I'm trying to avoid bikers b/c i already have a raveneing army, so i want something different, and i also want to use all 3 FA slots for the spawn


What methods have people found successful in delivering their slaanesh lords to close combat?

Any methods that people feel I've overlooked or dismissed to easily?

What weapons are reccomended? I'm currently looking at the black mace or a lightningclaw/burning brand combo.

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You know, i've had the codex since release, and never noticed that before. I would see the +3 in run and the gives out flank, but apparently I've been skipping the last line this entire time.



You know, i've had the codex since release, and never noticed that before. I would see the +3 in run and the gives out flank, but apparently I've been skipping the last line this entire time.


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Just as something to bear in mind, it is never a good idea to put a Bike-Lord with anything other than Bikers. Regardless of any issues with speed, the Bike has the rather crippling issue of providing a Jink save, which then opens the Lord up to Focus Fire every time he moves. If he needs speed, either get him a Daemonic Mount or a crew of fellow Bikers to ride with.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I run my steed / brand slaanesh lord with a unit of bikes, and to be honest the focus fire has never been an issue. As i try to keep using the 2+ LOS rolls. Also if a 1 is rolled, The Lord has a toughness of 5 from the 'majority toughness' ruling, when taking into account shooting attacks.
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