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Ahriman vs MoT Sorc


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I've not really had a lot of experience with the difference in these two on the table yet, but which would you think best? I know that Ahriman has better stats, but at a bigger price. Is master of deception super needed, or just nice? Do things like the disc, brand, tda, and spell familiar make the sorc more durable/ worthwhile? I'm already going to take a prince of tzeentch for the second HQ, so my logic dictates it better to hide the warlord in a pile of bodies to make him more durable.

As an idea of what else I plan to take.. obliterators, at least 2 squads of 1K sons, cultists, and at least 1 drake. I would probably run the warlord with 35 cultists on foot, and with bikes if on a disc. I would possibly consider running him with warp talons on a disc if a well articulated argument could be made for it. Good luck, though smile.png

Obviously I'm not going for top tier competition here, but that doesn't mean I want to field units "just because".

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Sorcerer on a disc is pretty nice because apart from anything else it allows him to move about a lot more freely to lend support where necessary. Plus it gives him a toughness boost meaning he can't easily be insta-killed (albeit he is still a 2 wound model).


Also, if you build-your-own-sorcerer it means you can roll on any warlord table and possibly get a trait that might suit your army/play style better.

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Next question is.. what unit size do 1k sons like? I know plague marines do 7 well, and berzerkers seem to like 8. What is the "holy number" I should look for here? I can't decide if it's better to have more sorcerors on the field due to their power, or more marines to mitigate their cost.

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Tzeentch's holy number is 9. Which is either a Sorcerer and 8 Rubrics (for total squad size 9) or a Sorcerer and 9 Rubrics.

I favour the former since they then fit in a transport with a character. smile.png

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Tzeentch's holy number is 9. Which is either a Sorcerer and 8 Rubrics (for total squad size 9) or a Sorcerer and 9 Rubrics.

I favour the former since they then fit in a transport with a character. smile.png

How unfortunate that all my characters are busy making use of discs. I was more concerned with trying to field the units effeciently, but then I just laughed at myself and moved on.

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I have 4 squads of rubrics all of different amounts, just to represent the dwindling numbers and the casualties some squads may have taken over the years. Squad Zephrus is down to just 5 now :( while squad Anhkteth is more formidable with 16

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