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Wraiths incoming


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So I have to play a game against environs soon and I know he's going to bring 15 wraiths. I'm trying to think how to deal with them with my nurgle marines and servants of decay army. I don't have access to a big tarpit unit so that doesn't work.

So far I can't think of anything cleverer than weight of fire. I can put 6 small blasts with 2+ poisoned on them. I can also assault with my plague Ogryn so again lots of rules.

Maybe A prince with black mace might do. Especially if I can take their toughness down with gift of nurgle.


Any thoughts.


He doesn't have whip coils btw

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You do what I did, you take a big 6 man strong unit of nurgle terminators with base axe's (a powerfist or two for big gribblies), throw in a termie lord with a brand and chainfist and you ram them down his throat, laughing as his army bounces off them time and time again.

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You do what I did, you take a big 6 man strong unit of nurgle terminators with base axe's (a powerfist or two for big gribblies), throw in a termie lord with a brand and chainfist and you ram them down his throat, laughing as his army bounces off them time and time again.

But you do know that if he runs a wright wing he will have destroyer lords which means 2 things . A ap 2 ax and B mindshakles for your lord to slap himself on the the head with it.

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Looking at the Servants of Decay list, I'd say you're probably doing it right. Perhaps you could get some artillery/ artillery strikes to try and barrage snipe any destroyer lord present, but that may not work fast enough.

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I had great success using icarus lascannon + lascannon havos against wraiths. Ap:2 will make the lord have to look out sir fairly soon or force the necron player to take the double strength hits on his wraithes. 


Sure it´s not amazing, but if you pile in a little more fire power you´ll see them gone. Don´t forget that the 2 lords he has are already a great deal of points. 


What worked well for me was whittling them down slowly with fire power and then throwing in a unit of spawns with a lvl 3 biomancy sorceror on a bike. The Sorceror managed to hold off the necron lord for a while thanks to his 4+ invulnerable and 5+ fnp (Power). and the spawns slowly destroyed the wraithes. 


Otherwise you will have to rely on the necron player failing his saves, as it always is with wraithwing. Or pack enough instant death weapons to really hurt him.


You should consider yourself lucky that he isn´t playing any whip coils. 

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