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Mephiston w/ Biomancy Experiences?

IK Viper

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With all the MC running around these days, specially the CD greater deamons, BA need something in our back lines to deal with these juggernaughts.  I wonder if anyone has tried Mephiston with Biomancy powers in order to buff him up enough to stand toe-to-toe with these big ugglies.  Or had success with him in a Drop Pod or SR walking around smacking ppl with his sword and biomancy powers making him tougher.


Biomancy Powers Order of Priority (in my opinion)

1. Iron Arm can potentially put his toughness high enough that plasma can't reliably put wounds on him and gives him the much needed EW

2. Endurance gives him FnP and It Will Not Die,  nice on a T6, 5 wound model

3. Life Leech can regain him wounds and who can say no to 2 shots, S6 AP 2

4. Warpspeed may be wasted in alot of cases as he has alot of attacks any way and will ususally go first, but the initiative buff may allow him to strike with some of these new greater deamons allowing him to Force Weapon them which is great since some of them have Instant Death attacks that could potentially take him out before swinging :-(

5. Enfeable lets you instant kill alot of tough 4 stuff now with his regular S 6 attacks ( no Sanguine Sword on this guy :-(  )

6. Hemmerage (I am sure I spelled that wrong) Mephi does not shoot, Mephi smash.... 

7. Smite (see above) and he has a Plasma Pistol any way...


I am probably going to try Mephi in a D. Pod for a few games just to mess with people and if you don't need the wings to get him there then maybe Biomancy is a legit option, if not you can always keep the powers he has and run him across the board into most things any way. 


I figure alot of ppl have tried this so I was hoping to hear your experiences first. 

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This idea really speaks to me..! With luck, mephie can run around with toughness and str 9! Immune to weapons and stuff up to and including str 5! And plasmas needing 6s to wound.. I might actually try this tomorrow, in one of my games!

It does require a transport tho.. Might have to throw in a stormraven just to get him over to the other side fast..!

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If swapping, my real problem with biomancy is that the primaris is rather underwhelming.  Some of the bio powers are great (Iron Arm, Enfeeble) but others are complete garbage (Hemorrhage) or highly situational (Warp Speed, Endurance, Life Leech).  With a garbage primaris, I don't like to take the chance.


If I'm swapping I'd much rather roll on Divination (Precognition, Misfortune, Forewarning and Prescience) and/or Telepathy (Dominate, Terrify, Invisibility, Hallucination, or Psychic Shriek), both of which have good primaris powers in case of a bad or overly situational roll.


That said, my real problems with swapping at all are that Meph only gets 2 rolls on any table despite "paying" for 3 powers, and there's nothing that comes close to granting the mobility of Wings.  If I could take Wings plus two rolls on Bio, Div or Telepathy I'd do that in a heartbeat.

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Keep codex powers for Mephiston.  Divination and Biomancy can perhaps give him better survivability, but they gimp his offense, and once an opponent realizes that, Meph is either shot down or ignored. 


I went through a 4-game tournament in October last year using Mephiston, and taking rulebook powers.  It sucked.  I kept his codex powers the last game and did much better.  In all of the first 3, he failed to make contact with the enemy, even though he only died in 2 of those games (all 3 losses by the way, shows you how much it affects your overall strategy to have 250pts walking when the rest can jump).

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Experiences thread? OK. I swapped Biomancy for Mephiston in two different games, back when 6th Edition was only a month old. Both times he did nothing and was severely underwhelming, even when he got Iron Arm in one of the games. Being a non-IC model (unable to join Units or buy a dedicated transport) without mobility was the biggest problem. I think the only way to run BioMeph would be in a borrowed Land Raider.

  • 5-man ASM, remove Jump Pack then buy discounted LR
  • Put that 5-man ASM into Raven for late game scoring
  • Deploy LR empty
  • Turn 1 Meph jumps in, drives off full speed 18"
  • Turn 2 assault

Of course then you're dumping your entire hopes and dreams of that match on the combo..... it's a deathstar pricing for sub-deathstar performance.

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Eh, Meph in a Raven with a Furioso wouldn't be bad... so long as you had some insurance to make sure it came on T2 (Corbs re-roll or Comm Relay), you could pretty easily get a T3 charge off.

Plus, then your opponent has 3 nasties to point their high Str, low AP guns at, and a difficult choice of which one to pick.


I've swapped for Div and Telepathy (netting Prescience and Psychic Shriek) vs Deathwing (new book) before.  It was underwhelming (and I lost the game), but it was probably better than keeping codex powers that time.  To be honest I'm not sure if going for biomancy instead would've helped.  Endurance might've been nice, and enfeeble could have helped the rest of the army a little, but the real problem there is his AP3 sword (plus my opponent's FNP rolling was on fire).

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I've only used Biomancy on Meph when I faced a pure deathwing army - he is next to useless anyway so I gambled on getting some AP2 shooting or endurance.


Enfeeble works wonders for laying on the hurt, but in a normal game where meph has targets, I'd leave him with the RB powers.

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