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Graz tries on some Nurgle. (updated 5.02.13, TDA Lord WIP)


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Hello friends! I've been slowly working on a Chaos army since.. Well I could say since the new codex because it renewed the spark but in all my years in the hobby I've always swapped between Blood Angels and Chaos. Usually Khorne. So I was working on a Tzeentch/undivided warband but I've decided to make the change to Nurgle, mostly because I've never painted green power armor but also because I think +1T suits me more than +1 to my invulnerable. 


So here is my thing, as I posted when this was a Tzeentch work in progress. I love shields. Mark of Nurgle = and excuse for me to plaster shields all over my chaos army. So I've got this medieval feel going on. I've recently bought a box of fantasy chaos warriors and a box of grey knight terminators so that is what I've been working with. I got the grey knights so I could make a lord and sorc in TDA and a three man squad of Blademasters (mutilators). The chaos warriors are being used as possessed. I could have just went with chaos terminators and maybe I should have but meh, I think some chaosed-up grey knights is just what we all need.


So here are a few pictures! I haven't posted anything in a while, hopefully everyone enjoys some non-traditional Nurgle. Sorry for the poor-ish quality, my camera is on it's last legs.




The Lord



Plague Marines






And lastly some lowly cultists



On the list! Get my mutilators and sorc painted. Buy some fantasy chaos knights and get to work on some horsemen/bikers.



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Thanks guys! To be honest, the riflemen are something I had laying around from a Necromunda side-project. They're just for now since they are the only thing I had on hand that could be cultists. So. I dunno. They do seem pretty out of place now that I really look tongue.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

A change heart, a change of direction. The problem with me and shields is, there are never enough. I decided I didn't want the number of shields I had on hand to be the limiting factor on how many units I could put together. So my plague marines aren't going to have them anymore. Also, I think I may have found a color scheme I like better as well. So I painted up a few really quick to see if I like them or not.


The new shield-less PM with plagued bayonet.



And a champ doing what else but issuing a challenge.


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You call that a bayonet!? That is a freakin plague cleaver / axe on a gun. It looks more like a weapon you would swing at your enemy instead of stabbing, but the wonderful thing about that particular object and nurgle is that the merest of scratches can prove fatal! I really like it actually.


I think it's wise to move from the shields personally, your army was looking like fantasy nurgle brought to 40k and while there is nothing inherently wrong with that I feel it loses some of its science fiction aspect. Surprisingly once you take the shields away they do a better job making the transition! I also dig the purple under the plaque green, it creates a nice contrast and creates some depth to the model while making you wonder what's actually underneath all that armor!


Good stuff,


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Thanks Raven! I plan on leaving the shields on the possessed just because I think it makes them look more menacing, but I will be repainting them either way. The purple >.>   That only shows up in the camera flash. I'm glad you like it though! I was in such a rush mocking him up that is just his previous colors showing through in a few spots I didn't notice before taking the picture. Yeah the bayonet is a little bit big, but I wanted it to be a little unwieldy-looking since a PM is I3. That and I've been playing a lot of War of the Roses lately and I'm in love with billhook-ish weapons atm. Thanks for looking!



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Yeah I think they make great possessed. You could fluff it up and say they're a cursed regiment cast through the warp or they need to be invoked or summoned before battle.  Helps me at least, account for the fantasy armor style, shields, and lack of backpacks. If you haven't seen the kit before (as I hadn't) it comes with several extra heads and shields/weapons for even more converting fun.

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Hey guys, back for more! I've got a WIP scaled-up Lord this time around. I don't know when I'd use him but I've had the urge to make a scaled up marine since I bought the grey knights I used for my HQ/Oblits. I think the way grey knight TDA fits together makes them awesome candidates for up scaling, so here he is! 




Maybe maybe he could count as a Lord on Palanquin, but I don't think he's big enough for that. I also have this as an offering, a few shots of my Plague Marines in the early painting stages.




cc is always welcome, thanks for looking! ~Graz

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Thanks Chaeron! Yeah, Plasticard. I'm down to my last few sheets and it's all really thin so I've been having to double and triple stack everything. I've got some paint on the new lord, hoping to get some pictures up before work, just need to let my camera charge.

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Thanks for the praise! I knew he was missing something though and you pretty much nailed it. Here is a shot of the eyes.





And one with some kind of fancy lighting.



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So I was starting to use combat knives and obliterator chainsword bits for bayonets on my bolter plague marines, but after seeing those bolter-cleavers, I know what I'm doing for my next squad.

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Your Chaos Lord looks awesome.  He's big, bad, dynamic, I love the grimy paint scheme ... Yeah, like I said, awesome! 


What paints did you use?  To me it looks like he's basically been drybrushed with something that looks brown in the first set of shots, but has a green hue  in the second set.  I'm looking for a decent paint scheme for my Cultists and this looks about right for what's been on my mind ... 

Cheers, JT

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Go for it, PipX!


JT, thanks! For paints I start with a black (or in the case of some of my guys purple because I'm lazy) base coat, then a heavy drybrushing of bleached bone followed by several thin layers of this wash I made a long time ago. It has some browns and greens and a little bit of white. I don't remember exactly I just kind of add whatever it looks like it needs when it starts to get low. After that I pick out the metallic bits and go over the fleshy parts and the blade of the billhook with astrogranite texture, then more bleached bone drybrushing over the astrogranite followed by a helping of flesh wash. Top it off with a little devlan mud, or whatever the current one is called. I know it's a lot of washes and not a lot of actual highlighting. One of the things I've been trying to work on is getting away from that and doing more actual hard highlights and layering, but it's hard when Papa Nurgle is telling me to slather that nasty looking wash all over them.

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Back for more, this time it's a Dark Apostle with Burning Brand. The flash on this camera isn't adjustable, just on or off, so I'm trying to decide which is working better for me right now.









And a shot of the Lord with the flash.


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That brand is going to give some Witch Hunter a serious case of flamer envy. Also, in the first DA picture, to the left, Baxter Stockman looking guy, what's going on there?

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