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Graz tries on some Nurgle. (updated 5.02.13, TDA Lord WIP)


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Yeah man! I personally don't think my first attempt is all that great. I just cut water drop shapes out of plasticard and use a little greenstuff for a vein running down the middle. Still looks unfinished to me, I'm just not sure where to go from where he is right now. Wings from scratch are kind of a daunting task! The idea was to stick him in with some raptors and an axe/fist on the champ and have the flails count as lightning claws. Here are a few shots if you'd like.





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Yea, the flails really make that posing awesome. I was thinking about doing wings like that for when I end up doing raptors in the future, but I was going to find some sheets of clear plastic to cut the shape from, then score it so it kind of looks like a dragonflies wings. Then ink it black and hit the grooves with a brighter paint watered down, so it would kind of come out like this: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-C_pYB-uDY7o/TWCCBILQLvI/AAAAAAAAA7A/kDC2p014PbU/s1600/003dragonflyDM_468x304.jpg


If you wanted a more bug like look on that guy, maybe cut some grooves leading off from the veins to help with the effect?

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Thanks for the input, guys! I'll have to give it a go when I start working on him again. He's kind of on the back burner right now. My next wip is another up-scaled lord, this time in TDA. It was rough going last night when I first started working on him but I think he'll look OK when I'm done.

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Here are a few WIP shots of my TDA Lord with Black Mace.






Still has a lot of work to be done, just waiting for greenstuff to dry right now.

cc always welcome. Hope you enjoy!

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Alright today's offering is the near-finished TDA Lord I posted in my last post. I'm still not sure if I'm sold on his chest and helmet.








Thanks for looking! ~Graz

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