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Vlka Fenryka of Omn


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Well since the blogs are no longer part of the B&C currently, I might as well share my newest Wolves army I am currently building.


So this endeavor started out by buying a SW Battleforce, SM Tactical Squads x2, and a TWC box.  As I have mentioned in the Space Wolves Forum FAQ 2.0, if you do not want your Wolves to be too wolfy, you can mix and match Tactical SM with the SW pack box.  You also get missile launchers and melta guns which are sorely missed from the SW pack.


So started work while chilling in bed watching movies.  All models are just rough assembled, mold lines not scrapped and barrels not drilled out;


My mobile work area;



Venerable Dreadnought waiting for blood talon bits for a "wolf claw" dread ccw and wolf bits;



Magnetized top and bottom for pivoting and easy removal when wrecked;



More pics in next post.

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A couple of Wolf Guard Pack Leaders for my GH packs;




Bits order arrived from The Warstore for first two GH packs (wolf standards and power axes);



And finally resin bases from Secret Weapon Miniatures came in.  Not that they messed up my order, just that I was inpatient with getting them to mount up models and make them easier to work with;



And what I have so far mounted up on the new bases with exception of the Wulfen as they need to be pinned;



I still have another GH pack/SM Tactical squad to assemble and the last pack/squad combo will be Wolf Guard and the beginning of a Long Fang pack.

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