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Chaos spartan, viable or useless?


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Hey all I am generally one of those people who easily gets distracted by cool looking models and have to include them since I love large centre piece models. As such I really like the spartan tank but of course since to me rule of cool far outweighs being good game wise I need advice. What do people think is the spartan worthwhile in 6th I like the idea of its high transport cost with its weapons though uneasy about its price does anyone have one and what tactics do you use.


On another note could a converted baneblade be used as a spartan or would the baneblade be too big as unsure with the size of it


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hat do people think is the spartan worthwhile in 6th I like the idea of

its high transport cost with its weapons though uneasy about its price

does anyone have one and what tactics do you use.

costs like a storm eagle and doesnt fly and I wouldnt take a chaos eagle , because it is so much worse then the loyalist one. like almost everything chaos out of FW , the spartan sucks .

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