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Interceptor and Ravens


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Today I was playing a tau friend. He used a riptide with the thing that gives it interceptor. On turn 2 the raven comes in via reserves and drops off the payload. When the marines inside dropped out of the raven, he shot them with the riptide, killing 9/12 marines. Ouch! I know! I would just like to confirm that this was done correctly. I believe it was but just want a second opinion as it seems worthless to take ravens with marines against this settup. I mean, large blast, s8 ap2 weapon against newly dropped units....

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It's the same with a Drop Pod, correct? As Interceptor weapons are used at the end of your opponents movement phase you may fire at the Pod or the cargo as both arrived from reserve?
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This should clear all this up, in bright pink in the new FAQs:




Q: Are Drop Pods and the units embarked upon them considered to be
entering play from Reserves when deploying using the Drop Pod Assault
special rule? (p69)
A: Yes. Aside from the exceptions specified by the Drop Pod Assault specialrule, these units are considered to be entering play from Reserves as normal, meaning, for example, that
models benefiting from the Interceptor specialrule may use this to make Shooting attacks at a newly arrived Drop Pod or the squad that has disembarked from it.
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