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Interceptor and Quad Guns


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Recently I was playing an opponent and we ran into a rules question and

could not find an answer. I figured I would turn to you guys for help....




He had purchased and Aegis Defense Line with a Quad-Autocannon, I had fought

my way over the line and killed the unit manning the gun. He had a flyer exit

the board on his turn (he was on the top of the turn and I was on the bottom).

During my turn I charged another small unit of his, destroyed it and then consolidated

back into base to base with the Autocannon. Note I did not shoot with the unit

or the Autocannon at all during my turn. During his turn the flyer showed back

up from ongoing reserves.




I believed that my unit should be able to use the interceptor special rule

to shoot at his flyer. He disagreed but could not offer any rule book reason.




My question is do the rules address this situation?




Would things change if I had shoot with my unit?




Or if I had had the top of the turn and him the bottom?




Thanks guys, if you can please cite rulebook pages when you give me your





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"One model in base contact with the gun emplacement can fire it instead of his own weapon, following the normal rules for shooting.", BRB, pg.105

"At the end of the enemy Movement phase, a weapon with the Interceptor special rule can be fired at any one unit that has arrived from reserve within its range and line of sight.  If the rule is used, the weapon can not be fired in the next turn, but the firing model can shoot a different weapon if it has one.", BRB, pg.38


If you have a model in base contact with the quadgun and, during your opponent's movement phase, his Flyer enters play from reserve within range and line of sight your model may fire the quadgun if it did not intercept one of your Flyers during your Movement phase.  If you do so it can not be fired in your Movement phase (by your opponent's model at a Flyer of yours) or Shooting phase.

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BRB page 105 - gun emplacements.


BRB page 114 - fortifications


Any model can use the gun / benefit from the cover save. It doesn't matter whether that model belongs to the purchasing player or not.


Interceptor means that the weapon cannot shoot in the following shooting phase. The unit is free to act in the preceding turn.


So yes, you could use your unit to shoot the quad gun at his flyer as it counts as arriving from ongoing reserves as it comes back onto the table.


Unless of course your opponent used the quad gun to intercept in the preceding turn (your description suggests that he didn't).



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