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Heavy Support!


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So I am in a slight bind when looking at my Death Guard army, on one hand I want to select certain heavy support elements for their effectiveness (Havocs, Predators) on the other hand I want to make my army distinctly Chaosy with units I can't get with my loyalists (Defilers, Obliterators). So my question to you is.. what are the pro's and con's of the Chaos heavy support options and why do you field what you do?




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Obliterators with MoN are perhaps one of the best heavy support units in our codex. The are able to do everything, between 48''+ lascannons to an increasing choice of weapons as you lower the range, plasma cannon, melta guns and so on...In short you cannot go wrong with Obliterators, especially T 5 Obliterators.


Autocannon Havocs are also a nice staple unit. Good at most things with those autocaanons.


On the subject of Mutilators and Forgefiends there is much to debate though...

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Well, that certainly makes my life easier.


So then one unit of Havocs and two of Oblits? We're talking full on 3-man Oblit squads here? Not the solo, deep strike, suicide oblits right?

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you take 2x2 . 2x3 set ups depanding on points played . in general you never deep strike . Sometimes you can try to infiltrate them or deep strike them , but that depands on opponents army and terrain set up[your playing against a tank hvy gunline on a lava board for example].

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you should be using helldrakes in FA if your not using bikers. but anyway


3x3 oblits , if you know there are good av13+ builds you may face or 2x3+1xhavocks if you expect to see few or non of those[the first should be happening more often then the second . because if the second is true then you could be wining games just by using 3 helldrakes and some demon ally].

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The key, my friend, is to make use of the models I have without obscene amounts of investment. My primary projects are my Iron Hands / Orks, but I thought I would revive my old DG force just for fun in this edition, that being said Drakes are costly, while I would only need to get two oblits and a conversion kit to tranform x5 of my 28 DG into Havocs. A much smaller investment of both time and money.


I know the argument for Helldrakes, they are beastly, but it isn't anywhere near a priority for me. Just trying to make a list that can hold its own, don't need to utterly dominate my opponents.



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Its somewhat similar to something I plan to run on the weekend. Cheap sorceror in termie armour, two min cultist squads, two lots of 5 nurgle spawn, two units of two nurgle oblits, loc, two units of ten horrors and fifteen flesh hounds. Hasn't done too badly in my trial games, and lots hit combat turn two. (1850 btw, and there is one baledrake, because I need 5 more spawn)
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No one is really taking Predators, but the Chaos tri-las is just the absolutely cheapest any tri-las has ever been, points-wise.  Something to think about.



I'm an oddball because I don't run duplicate units so I'm currently using a Hadesfiend, squad of 3 Oblits and either a Las Predator or a Maulerfiend.

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2x2 Nurgle oblits or......... (wait for it) defilers.


Both are good multi threat weapons platforms that can threaten multiple types of enemies. If you can position well, combine fire or charges then defilers are decent choices.


they both have worked well for me. I'm a total spawn rush guy that hates flyers (im not saying they are not good, they are, i just dont like using them, i.e. NOT A TOURNY PLAYER). only lists i seem to have problems with are IG flyer spam and Cron flyer spam but from what i've read everyone has a difficult time with those.

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realy ? your runing singles or helldrakes or plagumarines or oblits , when opposing armies spam their good support units ?

I feel sad for the jeske were nobody has fun unless they all play the same super optimal army


But anyway take whatever fits the budget man if your like me and my ilk we can barely afford 1000 pt armies so just proxy over and over till you find something you wanna invest in

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this has anything to do with fun . But saying that "So long as you can adapt, you shouldn't actually need to run duplicate units" is at best a logical fallacy and at worse a lie . an army with 1 unit of pms 1 unit of csm and 1 unit of hmm lets say NM and 3 different support units does not work better. neither does any unit that works out of reservs and double that for flyers who go back in to reservs.

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King Willy: I just skip the lil trolls posts and now my time on here is fun. His knowledge on the competative side is great. His tact, accumen and ability to comunicate (i know english is not his native language) are seriously lacking/ infuriating.


all that being said i'd still like to play him with a "sub-par" last and give him a good drubbing.

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