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Lots of really good suggestions here for both loadout and modelling. When I started this thread I was expecting much more use of the flakk missiles but perhaps it is cost that is limiting this option?



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From the getgo MLs are more expensive than ACs and then when you start adding on flakk missles for skyfire they just get really expensive really fast. Especially for one strength 7 shot each when a drake gets 3 of those (vector strike), plus a AP 3 template and it's a tough flyer.

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Well, I see the number of shots as 'equivalent burst'. So one shot from a lascannon is one shot, but one shot from a bolter or autogun isn't a single shot, but a burst. A heavy bolter fires three bursts, not three shots, and the same goes for the autocannon. A Rapid fire weapon becomes twice as accurate within half range, it doesn't suddenly double the rate of fire and so on.

But whatever, I also think gatling barrels imply a bit more firepower than two shots/bursts, but on the other hand gatling barrels look pretty awesome, so it doesn't matter. smile.png

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How are you guys modelling your havocs? I see that GW is selling crapcast with a non-reposable squad with only one weapon of each, for 25 quid. I'm quite inclined to spend the same 25 in a MKIII armor squad from FW to make a IW themed unit, and spend more on the weapons.


Kit-bashed CSM and Devastators for the most part. For the Autocannon Havocs I came up with this, though:



Because I had a bunch of Reapers laying about from the Defiler kits I came up with a conversion using the barrel, a CSM Heavy Bolter, and some plastic tubing and card for an ammo drum (though a melta-bomb would work nice, too.)

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Well, I see the number of shots as 'equivalent burst'. So one shot from a lascannon is one shot, but one shot from a bolter or autogun isn't a single shot, but a burst. A heavy bolter fires three bursts, not three shots, and the same goes for the autocannon. A Rapid fire weapon becomes twice as accurate within half range, it doesn't suddenly double the rate of fire and so on.

But whatever, I also think gatling barrels imply a bit more firepower than two shots/bursts, but on the other hand gatling barrels look pretty awesome, so it doesn't matter. smile.png

They might be two really concentrated bursts. Autocannons come in so many shapes and sizes I figure the two S7 attacks represent anything from two great frack-off shells (predator turret gun) to a burst of dozens of smaller calibre rounds (reaper and finecast havoc autocannons which are really just big machineguns)

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Well, I see the number of shots as 'equivalent burst'. So one shot from a lascannon is one shot, but one shot from a bolter or autogun isn't a single shot, but a burst. A heavy bolter fires three bursts, not three shots,

No , a hvy bolter would fires 3 shots not 3 bursts, it would fire 1 , 3 shot, burst. A burst is how many bullets a gun fires each time u pull the trigger. M16 and AR15 can fire 3 round (shot) burst each time you pull the trigger.msn-wink.gif

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Well, I see the number of shots as 'equivalent burst'. So one shot from a lascannon is one shot, but one shot from a bolter or autogun isn't a single shot, but a burst. A heavy bolter fires three bursts, not three shots,

No , a hvy bolter would fires 3 shots not 3 bursts, it would fire 1 , 3 shot, burst. A burst is how many bullets a gun fires each time u pull the trigger. M16 and AR15 can fire 3 round (shot) burst each time you pull the trigger.msn-wink.gif

That makes little sense, as you are saying that an assault cannon only manages to throw out 4 bullets in the time it takes an infantryman to run across a quarter of the board, which to scale would be about 10 meters at least. So if the runner is Usain Bolt the assault cannon would fire about one shot per second.

Which if you think about it makes absolutely no sense.

Neither does the assumption that the assault cannon only has four times the RoF of say a manually loaded missile launcher or mortar.

W40k doesn't use a fixed scale for anything. It's not like a IG sgt can swing a sword a twice the speed of a normal guardsman, nor that a normal guardsman would only hit the mark on a shooting range 50% of the time. It's all 'equivalent to x on a battlefield'.

And really, even with a real gun, the number of enemies you will kill does not scale linearly with the rate of fire of the weapon you are using.

For example, the autogun is fully automatic, and the lasgun is single-fire (burst in some cases). Yet they have the exact same profile. And the shotgun (single fire) does not have the same rate of fire as the fully automatic ork shoota, yet they both have two shots on their profile.

Anyway, I first made some AC havocs using old reaper autocannons.


The one in the middle is a GW havoc, the others are mine.

And a few days ago I made some Havocs from heavy bolters.


I have actually changed the ammo from the original GW ammobelt to drum magazines that are a bit bigger. Funny thing though, the ammo to the heavy bolter is bigger than the ammo on the official GW autocannon havoc. :p

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One thing to think about when making autocannon - the official GW havoc gun is almost identical in size to the heavy stubber that comes with imperial guard tanks. So if you have a load of them spare (or a friend with guard) I suspect you could mount the gun on heavy bolter arms without too much fiddling.

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Rule of Cool: All weapons in 40k have only two settings. 

1) Single-shot, so you can look hard core by picking guys off with single rounds and hopeless last stands as you plink away with a pistol against a carnifex.

2) Full-auto rock 'n roll, because a hail of lead or energy bolts is awesome.


The sensible intermediate point of a three round burst, which puts additional lead down range, while not producing so much recoil so that the shooter is blasting half his magazine ten feet above the enemy's head, does not exist in 40k.


And yeah, AC Havoks.  Oblits are pretty awesome for pretty much everything else.

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