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Renegade/gladiator themed biker ideas?


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Hello all, I came to ask ask you opinions on how to make the dark angels ravenwing look like a renegade army, but let me start by saying that after doing some research myself I realised your models are emperordamn amazing. Im in a right mind to just make a balanced chaos force instead of a biker troop DA army.


So even though DA do the best bikes rulewise (i know yours are awesome, but I want them as troops), they aren't to my taste.


When I picture bikes, I automatically attribute a certain cruelty like side mounted spikes, raids, hunting down fleeing survivors and so on that would look better as a renegade or a very cruel loyalist force. Whatever they will be, I don't really like most chaos worship, so I was thinking renegade pirate marines (yes basically red corsairs when I think about it), but even more cruelty, piracy, and bikes!!!


Remember that, cruelty, piracy, bikes!!!


So far my ideas:

huron looks amazing, looking at his posing i plan to chop him at the waist, fix him to bike legs, cut of his arm for a steering wheel arm, and put the axe on his back.

Result- huron on a bike, leaning sideways (pivot his waist to accentuate his standing model pose), about to fry someone with the tyrants claw. I haven't seen the bike kit though would this be reasonable? He'll probably be sammael.


Use vanilla marines as the bikers, then add things like side spokes+spikes, holding nets and kunai chains (think of things you would see on an dark eldar raider), badass graffiti on the bikes, obviously a load of hacking on the drive. Maybe dragging corpses behind Greek chariot style, but that sounds a bit ott.


That's all I can think of atm, any more ideas.

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P.s. Night lord players in particular might have some good ideas, I realised raptor models as BA allies would be competetive AND look simply amazing. I have a feeling this face of swift murderers could be one of the most beautiful armies out there. Extend OP to jump infantry raptors.
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Slayer, those bikes look good. 

Roma, In the Apocalypse Reloaded book, there is acutally a chaos biker formation "The Hounds of Huron" from the Red Corsairs, that Huron basically uses to hunt down those that try to break away from his rule or that have personally offended him in some way. So perfectly in line with your vision! I say go for it. 

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