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Knights of Corrosion - WIP Blog (ETL2 Vow 3 WIP)


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So I recently was working on a Slaanesh force started last October and quickly got burnt out on it. After kicking around some ideas I decided to start a Nurgle force more based around physical types of entropy and decay rather than just disease and pestilence. So were were born the Knights of Corrosion (Formerly Knights of Corocea). The color scheme I am going with is a dark purple with a iron metal drybrushed over it to simulate abrasion, and the extremities are tin bitz/dark bronze with a turquoise color heavily washed over it, with dark tone going over it all. It's hard to see in the pictures because of the lighting, but there are dark bronze patches showing through the turquoise. Here is my first tester squad along with some Obliterators just started:





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I can see what you're going for, I'm surprised you've managed to pull off the purple and green but there's something appealing all the same, congrats.


If I where you I'd really try to find the time and pick out at least some of the trim on the power armour - it's really what sets apart the CSM models from the vanillas and it'll help add more shape to the models. Ā I imagine right now from standing height they might look a little flat is all.


Anything in mind for the Obliterators heads?


Looking forwards to more.

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Oblits are working well - just a bit more depth to the green stuff, perhaps veins/tendons etc. would make it truly pop. Can see a few fingerprints too - so make sure your hands are really wet!


I agree totally about the trims - and although the colour scheme is out there, you've pulled it off - kudos.

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Thanks for the comments guys! One thingĀ  that is completely deliberate about these guys is the non painting of the trim. I love Chaos, the fluff, the models, but the armor trim on the models will burn me out when painting very quickly. I'm thinking on the next batch of guys when I do the purple (Which is a mix of P3 Beaten Purple and a dab of VGC Royal Purple) doing a drybrush of straight Beaten Purple before doing the leadbelcher drybrush. Another thing I am looking into on the basic marines is taking some clear resin epoxy or the water effect you can shape with watered down paint (Thinking yellow) and having it flowing down from their hands as if they secrete some kind of acid or corrosive substance to maybe represent the plague weapons.


For the oblit heads I am thinking of trimming down a slaanesh champion head for the static one with the plasma cannon and have some GS flesh merging in with the armor from it, not sure on the more dynamic one, maybe one of the termie heads with long tusks and a cable going into one eye? I added more GS to them and made it more organic and flowing, that initial batch of GS was just for support to keep the guns all in place when I really went to town on them. A theme I'm using for a reference when doing GS work is things like the splicers from bioshock, more cancerish and exaggerated flesh growth. Probably going to start looking at stuff like the flood, necromorphs, and G mutants for additional inspiration once I get more comfortable with this kind of GS work.


One of the things I definitely want to get my hands on soon is the tentacle maker, have some real good ideas for a biker lord and a techmarine to warpsmith conversion but think I am going to wait till I can get that. After the oblits I am thinking of either doing a sorcerer or dark apostle as a hold over until I have all the tools I need.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm nearing finishing a quartet of Obliterators after getting a tentacle maker kit in the mail, should have some pictures of them up once the light is better later today. Here is a tentative 1500 point list I am using to guide me on what I should construct as a core for my force (Champs are included in unit totals):


HQ - 175 pts


Chaos Lord - 175 pts

Bike, MoN, Blight Grenades, Black Mace, Sigil of Corruption


Troops - 639 pts


Plague Marines x7 - 203 pts

2x Meltagun

Champ: Power Axe



Plague Marines x7 -223 pts

2x Plasmagun

Champ: Powerfist



Plague Marines x7 - 213 pts

2x Plasmagun

Champ: Power Weapon (Undecided as to which)


Fast Attack - 180 pts


Chaos Bikers x 5 - 180 pts

MoN, 2x Meltagun

Champ: Lightning Claw, Meltabombs


Heavy Support - 466 pts


Havocs x 7 - 162 pts

4x Autocannons, MoN

Champ: Stock


Obliterators x 2 - 152 pts



Obliterators x 2 - 152 pts



Comes out to 1460 points, originally the biker squad was 6 strong to make 7 with the Lord attached but after doing inventory realized I only had 5 biker models I could build, so I need to pick up an additional one at some point. I won't be able to do Heldrakes until around June/July, so that's not currently an option. Every other option in the codex is available to build.Ā  I've started working on the meltagun squad as well as the lord, but any feedback on this list or alternatives I could go with would be appreciated.



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Obliterators are pretty much done, just need to clean up around where I glued in some GS hoses since the krazy glue tube I am using just likes to splurt everywhere.

First group of two:



Second group of two:


Going to do these guys on ice crystal bases, characters and some specialist units will get these, most everyone else will get snow bases. Need to drill out their weapons and add pins to their feet.

Next up after these is going to be another plague squad and the lord on bike. The lord is proving to be fiddly since I am replacing the lower part of the biker legs with possessed lower legs, and I am trying to figure out how I can make some sturdy clear triangular formations after I paint the weapon I am using for the black mace, so I can add on crackle paint to make it look like it has become crystalline.

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I should start painting this guys sometime this week, currently working on getting LED bases done as well as a warband group for another skirmish game system. Here is the champion for the second plague squad, idea was to try tabards/robes for majority of the squads but think I will stick to champs and maybe another one or two in the squad:


Oh also, does anyone know if the only option for plague champ upgrades is swapping the bolt pistol for another weapon, or does the plague knife count as one for that purpose? I've not really looked over the rules in depth for this edition as I build up the force, but if keeping the bolter allows for single shots at close range, and the plague knife and PW allows for the +1 for having two close combat weapons, I think that's how most of my champs will get loaded out in future.

Main reason for the question is figuring out if my PF+BP champ up there is technically legal, though I will probably replace him in future, the chosen models don't really fit in with the look I want, and I will probably use them as a chosen squad in the future done up as another Nurgle warband to offset them from my main group.

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Oh also, does anyone know if the only option for plague champ upgrades is swapping the bolt pistol for another weapon, or does the plague knife count as one for that purpose? I've not really looked over the rules in depth for this edition as I build up the force, but if keeping the bolter allows for single shots at close range, and the plague knife and PW allows for the +1 for having two close combat weapons


You can swap either the Champion's Bolter for anything under "Ranged Weapons" on p. 91 of the codex. Ā The Champion's Bolt Pistol and/or Plague Knife can be replaced with anything under "Melee Weapons"; swapping the Plague Knife has been FAQd. Ā When you model your stuff, note that some power weapons -- axes and Power Fists -- are Unwieldy, so you don't get +1 Attacks for two close-combat weapons if you keep the Bolt Pistol.


On the less technical side, I think you're doing a great job with your Obliterators. Ā I wasn't sure where you're going, but I really like how massive and bulky they turned out. Ā I also think the GS cabling has come out really well. Ā I'm not totally with you regarding the purple; I like the teal color and would've used that for all of the marines ... Ā But, yeah, that's a matter of personal preference.


Cheers, JT

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Axes are just unwieldy though, so don't they count as a CCW for the +1 attack? Power fists don't because they have the specialist weapon rule also , so you have to combo it with something with that rule for the +1 A.


As for the colors, the darker purple is definitely going at least, and would use straight beaten purple so it would be brighter and easier to see shading. I would go with the straight verdigris over all the model, but without doing the trim it would make them look like turquoise blobs. I might grab an old bloodletter and test it out though, to see if I can get a better consistency in the thinned down paint so more bronze shows through.

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So here are some WIP of the second squad, I am thinking of adding some stuff on to the shoulder pads and lower legs of a couple of the guys, and maybe a nurgling or two cavorting on the bases. Also have a couple of areas I need to connect with hoses.




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Axes are just unwieldy though, so don't they count as a CCW for the +1 attack? Power fists don't because they have the specialist weapon rule also , so you have to combo it with something with that rule for the +1 A.

This is what I was trying to say. Ā I shouldn't write posts this time of the day. Ā Thanks for the clarification, PipX! :)


About that Green Stuff tubes you're putting to such great use: Ā Are you making these with the tentacle maker first, let them dry for a bit, and then bend them to fit your models? Ā Your tubes and cables and stuff look pretty much like what I'm trying to do with guitar string, only that guitar string is really difficult to get into the right shape, or in any shape close to what I want for that matters ... Really, your models makes me consider to get a tentacle maker.


Cheers, JT

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On the obliterators I made them then let them dry, on the marines they were right off the tentacle maker. It works a lot better I think if you let it dry first and then just make a port or something for it to go into. I would definitely recommend getting at least the smaller one, I started using old and pliable guitar string on the obliterators, and it is a pain. All harsh angles and it's has a lot of tension on it, so it will spring right out if you are careful, the GS tentacles have none of those problems.

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Tentacle maker? I'd completely forgotten about that! Where is that available from? Looks great!

http://greenstuffindustries.blogspot.com/p/gsi-product-page.html They are kind of pricy though, but worth it if you plan on doing a lot of mechanical stuff.

So the obliterators have hit the painting table, and should have them done soon. I am going to do an experiment with the purple and crackle paint and see how that turns out. I've also started work on my biker lord:




He is still heavily WIP, and I am trying to figure out how I want to do his head. I'm shaping these guys as having had Chaplain-Captains, and the Sergeants would have been the understudies or however the proper term would be, seminarians? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Got the obliterators painted, dipped, and matte varnished:



My crackle paint experiment didn't quite work on these guys, probably because I watered down the crackle paint itself. I'm going to see if I can get some pictures tomorrow outside, since the flash from my phone kills some of the detail since they are still a little glossy. Up next is going to be the plague squad I've been working on, as well as more work on the Lord.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So for my first ETL vow, I am painting the squad of PM that have been in progress, and now my Lord is finished with a few minor GS touches needing to be done before priming:



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Here is one of the plague marines from the second squad. Just need to finish with painting their bases black, matte varnishing, and then adding basing material. This squad was done with a more watered down coat of turquoise on the bronze and straight beaten purple crackle painted over leadbelcher.


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For my first ETL2 vow, I vowed to complete the second plague marine squad as well as the lord on bike.

Plague Marine Squad:


Lord on Bike:




Currently working on doing up a Havoc squad, after which I will probably do a third plasma Plague Marine squad. Though if I can get my parts in to do my Helfly conversions before I finish the Havocs, will jump on those first.

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