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Knights of Corrosion - WIP Blog (ETL2 Vow 3 WIP)


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For my second ETL vow I am doing a seven man Nurgle havok autocannon squad, another seven man

plague marine squad, and an defense line. Here are some WIPs of the havok squad:



The hoses running from the faces of the two havoks are going to be trimmed and glued into the guns once everything is painted and the arms have been glued into place. I'm also going to be running thicker hoses from the bulbous area where the ammo feeds for the heavy bolters used to be, into some converted devastator backpacks.

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Cool - although excessive for my taste, I love the concept!

Yea, the guns are a bit over the top. Initially I was just going to cover the barrels at the end of the guns with green stuff and add in the vents and maybe have some tendrils linking to the gun, but went overboard.


I'm thinking about just painting the torso and codpiece on these guys in purple, with the forearms and thighs getting the bronze/turquoise wash treatment after seeing it in the Space Marine game customizer. It seemed a little more tied together that way, if it looks good on these guys maybe I'll do it for future "specialist" squads.

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I finished up the Havocs for my second ETL2 vow this morning:

Autocannons Havocs:


Champion and ablative wounds:


And a group shot:


I ended up matte coating this guys with the Krylon spray on finish since my Winsor Newton was pretty low and I didn't want to risk spraying propellant. It gives a much more matte finish, but I'm leary of it sometimes since I've had bad experiences with frosting from it before, though it may have been from not shaking the can long enough.

Making the hoses going to the backpacks was a pain. Originally I made shorter ones using my tentacle maker but they didn't work out, I had to remake them using longer stripes of green stuff and a hair comb.

Next up I am working on another plasma Plague Marine squad and Aegis Defense Line to finish up this ETL vow. On the quadcannon for the aegis, I have some plastic test tubes being delivered, that I am going to take the ends off of and try to make fluid filled blisters to replace the ammo hoppers. If it works out well I am going to do that on larger models like helfies, DPs, soulgrinders, etc.

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The small ones are from the tentacle maker, the big ones are from taking some green stuff and rolling it with the tines of a hair comb. And for the flesh paint, do you mean the teeth on the collar of the armor?

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  • 2 weeks later...

WIP pictures of my Aegis Defense Line and third plasma PM squad from my second ETL vow:



I'm hoping to fast track these so I can finish up my second vow and have enough time to do a third, hopefully consisting of a biker squad, and a termi squad and Typhus counts as.

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So I finished up my second ETL2 vow, here is the picture I am submitting for my Havocs, ADL, and Plasma PM squad:


And I figured now would be a good as time as any to do a "what my army looks like now" photo, 1400 pts as of today:


In future I am mostly likely going to build up a couple more squads of PMs, at least two more armed with meltaguns and flamers. My original squad of PMs will probably get put in long time reserve unless I absolutely need 3 plasma squads.

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Great job. I love that Aegis line, and the quad gun! Good luck crawling up that thing. msn-wink.gif

Yea, of course after I had placed the spikes, primed it, and painted it, I reread the emplacement rules and realized models have to be in base to base contact with it! Luckily I have two spots up front a model can slide into, and there are no spikes on the back of the weapon.

So I am looking at doing a third vow for ETL2, which will be composed of the six man bike squad retinue for the lord, and I was also thinking about doing a counts-as Typhus conversion. I'm having a difficult time deciding if I want to stick with an axe for the biker champion though, or go for a sword or maul to take advantage of his extra initiative compared to the PMs.

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I started working on my Typhus counts-as, before I refurbish my bike squad to pony up for another ETL2 vow.



Pre-Greenstuff, and I need to do a little more mold line work on a few areas. I'm definitely going to add some tubes going to canisters on his back, but undecided on what else I want to do to plague him up. Need to see if I still have a couple of Nurglings to throw on his base for sure.

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Here are my WIP pics for my third ETL2 Vow, Typhus and a squad of Nurgle Bikers:



Biker bodies:


And the bikes:


The tubes on Typhus are going to get painted then bent back into some receptacles on the tank on his back, the tubes on the bikers are going to run back into stuff on their backpacks as well. Typhus is also getting a jaunty little nurgling on his base before I base everything.

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