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Maximising Maulerfiends/Up your face armies

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Hey there! 


Just wondering, for the people that have ran maulerfiends, how have they worked out for you and what are some 'automatic bring me' when using maulerfiends?


Also has anyone found an army list that can get pretty much half or more of their army in the opponents face and achieve assault by turn 2? (full army assault, not like 1 or 2 squad)


itll be great to hear about it.


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well the best way is probably taking demon main force and csm ally and make a chaozylla list . for a csm prime or no ally list , you have to go with mace DP , 3 maulers , 2 biker squads 0-1 helldrake and 5 man plasma csm squads. or 10 man cultists in reservs.

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I used a in-your-face army a few weeks ago, it had a CSM flying DP, 5 spawn, 2 CSM squads with special weapons in Rhinos, one with MoK and Icon, a squad of Plague Bearers lead by a herald (but I would have used Daemonettes if I had the models) and a squad of Khornate Raptors with icon (to get a 12" move and a 2D6 reroll assault move unit) and a huge 20-model strong unit of Flesh Hounds, which are essential for the army to work. Everything in my army except the CSM in Rhinos and the PBs (they deep struck, but had they been Daemonettes, they would probably have assaulted turn two too) were in assault turn two. My opponent was almost wiped by the end of my turn 3.

My opponent had a warphunter, (barrage large blast AP1 always wounds on 2+) so I chickened out and didn't dare deploy my marines from their Rhinos at the end of my first movement phase. If he didn't have such a good gun vs bunched up marines, my CSM would probably have assaulted turn two too. The Flesh Hounds assaulted that tank turn two and my marines went to town on the rest of his army. The thing with the Hounds is that they are scouts, so you can deploy them behind your battle line, and use their scout redeployment and move them 12" forward, meaning everything you got is deployed as far forward as possible. They can take quite a beating too, with their 2 wounds and inv.save.

If you make an army where everything is really fast and good in close combat, you will probably do quite well I think. Most people are prepared to have at least two turns of shooting before they need to worry about close combat, so having most of their army tied up in turn two will make them fall apart.

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