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Sergeant Load Out - The Right Tools For The Job.

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Good Morning Folks!


I'd like to discuss Sergeant Configurations for Assault Squads. Do you change their outfit depending on the other units you bring? Do you aim for flexibility or for specific jobs? Do they compensate for areas your army lacks ? Does Drop Pods or Jump Pack units affect your choices?


A sample build or two would be great as well to better understand the points you make.


Looking forward to reading what you guys do with them,





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  • Most people like to keep them cheap with the only upgrade being a Power Sword.
  • Occasionally a Power Axe or Power Fist is thrown in, but this has become less frequent due to challenges in this this edition (the Sergeant tends to do those while any attached IC uses their better WS (and often, weaponry) on the grunts).
  • If a pistol is chosen, it is a good idea to complement the special weapons on the rest of the squad.
  • Melta bombs are an often purchased upgrade.

For example:


RAS (10)

~ Melta Gun (2)

~ Power Sword and Melta Bomb


Is a typical staple choice for most builds.

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I have a couple of sarges that i use when i feel like it..

2 has double plasma pistols - Really awesome when DoAing a combat squaded group, for tank hunting.. Instead of just 2 meltas, you have those two str 7 shots as well.. Even tho they might not destroy the vehicle, it gives you a more then a fair chance of glancing.. I have had a good couple of times where you score that penetrating hit with the melta, and it whont explode, but still get glanced to wreckage, because of the two meltas..!


2 of my sergeants have a storm shield.. This is something i started doing not to long ago, and boy do they earn their points.. Put them in front, and throw all the ap2-ap3 wounds on him.. I've saved 10-15 wounds where the squad would have been entirely destroyd because of some lychguards.. as well as some power weapons when i fought some grey knights.. You can get unlucky as well, but this really suprised me of how good it was..!


I also have 2 sarges with power axe!

I switch all of this around, depending on who im going up against, and points i have left when making the list..!


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economy is key here I think:

naked w/melta-bombs for cheap insurance.

if you're feeling froggy put a storm shield or combat shield on him so he'll have some challenge survivability while your ic tears up the rest of the enemy squad.

I go off the reservation sometimes. It's fun to kit them out. I have a dual hand flamer sergeant that is fun to play. But he sees less action than the vanilla guys.

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I'll just drop a link here, a nice long thread that I think goes through the options fairly nicely.


Before clicking the link, the initial LC+PF Sarge that I hypothesized didn't end up working well. But the thread itself has plenty of good advice.



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