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Rhino rush with dirge casters

King Willy

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Writing up a 1000 pt list for a escalation campaign and wanna do fluff ish army but don t wanna lose every single game.

So I m trying out a all out assault army and wondering how useful dirge casters can be.


Anyone else run them with success the army is an all comers assault list


Lord with power sword and power axe sigil mutation and vets for flavour 135 Pts


Two squad of ten marines in rhinos with casters

One squad is twin flamer the other twin meltas

Both VotLW and IoV champs have a power sword with the meltas and maul with the flamers


Autocannon havocs


5 chosen in rhino with caster and carrying two flamers power axe and IoV and vets champ has twin claws and mutation


The list works well enough for me but I haven t been running them in rhinos with casters and want to know how they have done with others if they are used


Note I know I m crippling myself so not looking to alter it to much if the casters really do suck then dropping rhinos for termicide squad or maybe force in some other small unit

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As long as you plan ahead, and your rhino's survive, it can work, depending on terrain, your opponent and the mission (much like most games vs "normal" lists) Remember that a rhino can move 12 and flat out 6, so you only really need to be within 23 inches of 1 model in the enemy unit at the start of your turn to deny overwatch.


I use 2 rhinos at 1500 points and they do often give up first blood, but sometimes they dont, and can help prevent some nasty overwatch all for 5 points.

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yeah but tau at under 12" range will not let any rhino live , At 1k points he is probably runing what 1 cmd 3-4 suits 4 broadies 2 fire warriors 1 pathies . he realy shouldnt have problems with killing two rhinos . the bikers are much more of a problem , but tau at 1k points are hardly balanced they need those extra 500pts to take meq ally as a barrier against marine armies.

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As I take 2 rhinos at 1500 points (alongside a landraider) I feel that the benefit of spending 15 points on wargear that might not be used is worth it, especially vs certain units/armies, but thats my opinion :D


Yes rhinos can be easy kills, but to me the pros out weight the cons.

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Maybe if the Rhinos are following a pack of Spawn or Bikers, using them for a cover save, and getting into dirge caster range to cover their assault? Next turn whomever is in the Rhino can either hop out and shoot, or dust themselves off in their new crater/bunker.


Also, it looks like all tanks can get a dirge caster, so that's something a Vindicator that has lost its main gun would still be useful for.

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I guess I m one of the few in the world who doesn't t care for first blood

I normally get that back with line braker and warlord kills but with most objective games giving you multiple vps per objective


But that's just me and the environment I play in as well as my personal style of play

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ok but for that to happen you would have to always play against armies with weak or much weaker HQ in opposing armies which are also slow and cant get a unit in to you deployment . I cant think of a single army build right now that is like that .

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I guess I m one of the few in the world who doesn't t care for first blood

I normally get that back with line braker and warlord kills but with most objective games giving you multiple vps per objective


But that's just me and the environment I play in as well as my personal style of play


That's fair enough - but I can't fathom just wanting to give VPs away like confetti personally. Makes it an upwards battle from the off then.

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If I have to give up one vp to get three I'd say its worth it especially since most games are never that close either I get most of the objectives and am a head by 4 or lose most of the objectives and lose by 3 or more

That's what I've noticed anyway

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That said though - assuming they are popped first turn - you've wasted 70pts+ on something that hasn't actually moved you further.

your assuming they get popped first turn, I'd never let them sit in the open unless I'm really just playing a fun game that i want to be quick, in all my games bout third turn that they go boom maybe second with some bad terrain placement.


any way played a game did ok but nothing special did save me a little by preventing Crusaders overwatching.

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