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Looking for some quick veredicts here

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an optimum is absolute by definition.


evolution is a process of progressive change or development towards this optimum. Otherwise, it's de-volution or re-volution.


The codex is out, analyzed, playtested and evaluated. complaining about that to apologize non-optimal builds is change for change's sake.

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an optimum is absolute by definition.


evolution is a process of progressive change or development towards this optimum. Otherwise, it's de-volution or re-volution.


The codex is out, analyzed, playtested and evaluated. complaining about that to apologize non-optimal builds is change for change's sake.


Did you read what I was trying to say? By the nature of your post it seems you are talking about a different thing... well at least not about what I was talking about.

The issue is not "talking about optimal builds" but rejecting the possibility that other opinions are worth to be respected.

I'm done arguing on the jeske issue: it's useless to talk with whom do not want to listen and cosider the opinion different from his own, let's say, "unintelligent".

My time is better spent elsewhere, where I can help the community or the community can help me and others.

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no, nobody can read what you were trying to say, only what you actually said/wrote.


but I understand that you blame jeske for your failure of seperating "respecting" from "accepting as optimal as per the mechanics of the game".


my advice:


1) try to see where jeske is indeed helping the community (experience with what works on the table) and where he is not able nor willing to (telling you what you like to play).


2) accept and be thankful for the help given instead of complaining about something else you feel entitled to.

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no, nobody can read what you were trying to say, only what you actually said/wrote.


but I understand that you blame jeske for your failure of seperating "respecting" from "accepting as optimal as per the mechanics of the game".


my advice:


1) try to see where jeske is indeed helping the community (experience with what works on the table) and where he is not able nor willing to (telling you what you like to play).


2) accept and be thankful for the help given instead of complaining about something else you feel entitled to.


Semantics jokes. Trying to say= colloquial way to express the following concept "I expressed an opinion but the other interlocutor didn't comprehend it, so I try to make him understand the very concept I want to express but he misunderstood.


I'm not complaining about something I feel entitled etc. I simply don't comprehed the beaviour to exclude the possible effectivenss of something in a given scenario basing the judgment on preconception. He seems to suggest "everything different from my opinions is de facto wrong". That was what irritated me.


Also, "accepting as optimal as per the mechanics of the game"? There is hardly something optimal in every circumstance and that's especially true in 40K. What dominates a scenario fails in another so even balanced armies are not auto-wins, you have to choose your strategies and tactics on the table-top not only on the paper.

For example having anti-air weapons is always a balanced decision but if I know no one of my opponents has flyers those points would be better invested in something else... just a quick example on relativism ;)

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misunderstanding is something very different from failed comprehension. the concept you try to communicate may not be to others what it seems to you. by accusing the other person of failed comprehension, you act on your own preconception of your personal interpretation being more accurate than his. so much for relativism. 


in other news: using relativism as an argument invalidates your own argument.

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I agree that we don't have the space needed to run Typhus as an ally.


I don't understand why you'd want to run him foreward in a shooty army though. If I were to field Typhus and zombies to guard a tau army, I would just use them to catch incoming threats rather than try to run foreward and.. well whatever you had in mind wouldn't be my idea. So long as the zombies can tarpit and Typhus can destroy long enough to catch enemy attackers until turn 4, the tau guns will have more than likely destroyed any and all enemy threats that are not in mele. The truth is, zombies and typhus are just so durable that they have incredible holding power. The option to surge across the board in a giant mele wave also exists, but it would easily be turn 3-4 before you even made it to the other side. No need to do this with tau. They almost always have first blood from a railcannon shot that ignores nightfighting, so denying line breaker washes with the fact that they don't attempt to get linebreaker for themselves. It's a castle army, not a full blown turn 2 assault army... which seems to be the only thing that happens in your meta?

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I agree that we don't have the space needed to run Typhus as an ally.


I don't understand why you'd want to run him foreward in a shooty army though. If I were to field Typhus and zombies to guard a tau army, I would just use them to catch incoming threats rather than try to run foreward and.. well whatever you had in mind wouldn't be my idea. So long as the zombies can tarpit and Typhus can destroy long enough to catch enemy attackers until turn 4, the tau guns will have more than likely destroyed any and all enemy threats that are not in mele. The truth is, zombies and typhus are just so durable that they have incredible holding power. The option to surge across the board in a giant mele wave also exists, but it would easily be turn 3-4 before you even made it to the other side. No need to do this with tau. They almost always have first blood from a railcannon shot that ignores nightfighting, so denying line breaker washes with the fact that they don't attempt to get linebreaker for themselves. It's a castle army, not a full blown turn 2 assault army... which seems to be the only thing that happens in your meta?


That was somehow my plan but I don't want to go too much off topic. For the records I was not the one who mentioned the need for Typhus to be in CC on turn 2 ;)

I just throw in the idea because I thought that combo had a good tarpit power, capable to hold any threat long enough for Tau to destroy a good part of enemy army... but as said I had not intention to go too much off topic ;)

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nor willing to (telling you what you like to play).

I will use  a great gamer from the early 2000s to explain why am rarly if ever go in to what people my like or dislike in their games[not just w40] .


People don't need advice on how to have fun- they know how to have fun on their own, and your fun may have nothing to do with their fun. Advice is for when you have an authoritative perspective or understanding of a subject and you are explaining it to someone in order to enhance their knowledge.

best list building comment ever.

no words were ever told truer about any game of skill.

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nor willing to (telling you what you like to play).

I will use a great gamer from the early 2000s to explain why am rarly if ever go in to what people my like or dislike in their games[not just w40] .

>>People don't need advice on how to have fun- they know how to have fun on their own, and your fun may have nothing to do with their fun. Advice is for when you have an authoritative perspective or understanding of a subject and you are explaining it to someone in order to enhance their knowledge.

best list building comment ever.

no words were ever told truer about any game of skill.

You still don't understand the entire issue. The problem is you blamed me for being "unintelligent" in a tactical choice I NEVER said I considered effective but I was just speculating on.

And when you speculate on something you exchang opinions wihtout the need to be sarcastic for its own sake.

If you want to satisfy your desires to be authoritative you should find other way to do it... I have neither the time nor the desire to deal with... psychological matters msn-wink.gif

The fact is that you didn't "enhance their knowledge" in such circumstance: you just moved from the axiom "I'm am right because I'm jeske and you are wrong because you are not me"

That was the issue but trying to make you understand it it's like trying to propagate sound in the void.

Do you want to continue this quarrel? Do it with yourself alone because I explaned countless times the reasons of the entire issue but you either don't understand or you don't want to understand and I don't like trolling.

One last thing before putting this quarrel to end in order to respect OP.

Saying 70 Zombies cultists plus Typhus is a totally uneffective way to tarpit units intended to assault a gunline is a pretext to just contradict someone with no other purpose than arguing for its own sake.

Are there better opitions the Zombies plus Typhus? Of course they are. I never said the contrary. But being worse than something else does not mean being the worst ;)

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I do believe that this does not belong here... Please settle you quarrel in PMs like any other civilized person would. This is tedious and just a waste of thread. Jeske made his points, they are true. Either except them, or don´t. Now lets start being constructive again please, thank you.

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I do believe that this does not belong here... Please settle you quarrel in PMs like any other civilized person would. This is tedious and just a waste of thread. Jeske made his points, they are true. Either except them, or don´t. Now lets start being constructive again please, thank you.


True. You are right. I suggest it in several times (you can find it in my replies) but jeske want to have the last word at all costs. I don't like that attitude and that's why I replied but for the sake of community it's better to stop it. Sorry if I created problems to the community. It was not mine intention... at least not mine.

Blaming me for all of this is simply unfair, for the records.

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My two cents: Dig the Dakka Fiend, Heldrake, and Termies. Played afew games in my area, and plan on running two Dakka Fiends and min one Heldrake. Termies are almost always a must, tough thats just in my gamong circle. Best of luck.

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