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Return of triple vindicator list.


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Has any one tried the old triple vindicator list?


For fun I brought 3 out and pull off a soild win. With every one spamming plasma and hell drakes.

Dealing with wall of armour put a hurting on them.

There cheap even with the shield.

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That would be a bit rough 3 hell drakes. I own 1 but never use it yet.

I supported the list with cheap lord in term armour and 4 DG term just with combo melta and toss them in a LR.

For a more armour.


foots logging plague marines.



Would need some tweaks to make more of compedtive builds, but for fun list work out well.


Normal event games are 1850 in my AO.

So If you add 3 vin and 3 hell drakes that leaves you with 980. To max out PM sqs. No need for fancy decked out lord.


That list might not make u friends. But could be painfull between roasting ap 3 and dropping pie plates.


However being that guy with 3 hell drakes is another story.

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However being that guy with 3 hell drakes is another story.



Haha not THAT guy!


Really though seems like a fun list. Did you put possession on them or?


Wonder how bringing a couple small mechanized melta CSM squads in behind the vindis would do. Could plug in the holes against AV 14.

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No I left them cheap and bare.

Also I just posted a list with 3 drakes and 3 vindicators.

I can use my buddy two drakes and 1 I have.

The list has is pretty tight mech PM squds. Just the lord is crazy points. Can easily strip the fat off him.


The s10 pie plate is great for armour as well as troops. Adding PM in rhinos makes targeting a huge issue.


In 5th rhino rush with 3 vin was strong DG list.



HQ lord mon sigal of corruption artifact flamer 135



7 Plague Marine + Meltabomb + 2 Melta gun 188 Pt

Rhino 35 Pt

7 Plague Marine + Meltabomb + 2 Melta gun 188 Pt

Rhino 35 Pt

7 Plague Marine + 2 plasma guns 198 Pt

Rhino 35 Pt

5 Plague Marine + 2 flamers 130 pt

Rhino 35 Pt


Fast attack

Hell drakes x 3 510


Heavy support

Vindicators x 120 360


Lord goes with 5 pm and and acts like a cheap flamestorm tank, and 3 flamers at over watch will keep all CC beast way.


But at 1850 it looks harsh

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Interesting certainly - I have a linebreaker squadron, but doesn't get used enough. I think the weak armour can be dealt with relatively comprehensively given the short range, but certainly has merit.


Will assume your Lord has a combi-flamer?

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He used the artifact flamer can remember how to spell it.


Move the rhino than fire it out the top hatch watch other player face when u melt way anything it touches. Park on obj, than 2d3 from normal flamers than 1d3 from lords flamer. Hurts. Not saying this build all be all build. But when use I'm support roll has a nice touch.


Seeing how each meta is different and ap3 might be useless in some areas and own others. Given the fact u will have

4 ap3 template weapons almost stripping the board of cover, than 3 s10 pie plates to eat up armour or deathwing. ( new tau having play them yet, but don't look to be scary )


Obv weakness to this list scoring units only 26 scoring models. 3 of 7 and 1 of 5. Even with PM being hard to kill. You got treat with care.

Parking them in rhinos is free cover save. Every one says rhinos die to fast yes the do. But wasting fire on them does hurt my pm, often. And frees up my vindicators.


Having never use a hell drakes, it's going to learning curve.

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