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Death Guard Autocannon Havocs


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Is there any fluff justification for a Death Guard Havoc squad with Autocannons?

I was under the impression the Death Guard never used Heavy weapons but Autocannon Havocs seem to be an auto-take in this edition, especially vs flyer spam lists.


I just need a passage that makes me feel better about selling out


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I've always found it odd that the Death Guard are always seen as not being heavy weapon proponents when one of the most used pieces of artwork is a DG with a heavy bolter. And that the PM havocs were released with close in specialist weapons which requires you getting in real close fast, but the DG weren't too keen on mechanized forces. I can't quote a post heresy example since there aren't too many instances where you have a bunch of DG fleshed out character wise (Maybe in Iron Hands or Blood Gorgons?) though I'm pretty sure in the Flight of the Eisenstein there is a passage where they set up an attack that harkened back to their Dusk Raider era tactics and they launched an attack with missile launchers. This of course was pre Nurgle, but since one of the things both pre and post Heresy was a methodical approach to war, plague marines marching up laying down fire with heavy bolters or autocannons seems to fit them very thematically, though on the table top they would be static. Maybe think of it like the  gun emplacements in the two world wars trenchworks?

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I wouldn't worry about it - it's seemingly changed so that it is no longer a problem. They used to have everything, but due to the ravages of time, certain things fell by the way side.


I see no problem with it, and especially if it means we are more compettiive, no problem.

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