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Dusty mini's

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Hello all,

I have been away from my blood angels for a spell. Been busy painting a couple commissions and about to start my third. But wanted to work on my stuff briefly. Any who, my storm raven has been sitting out very neglected.....I want to work on it, but it is dusty as heck. Does anybody have experience with this problem? I was trying a big brush but is has so far been ineffective! Thoughts?? Suggestions?? Mocking derision? 

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I used to think some of my models got dusty but from shameful lack of use but it seems I'll have to realign my opinion. A larger brush was and a light tickle was all I ever needed to remove the dust that had built up so I wonder how long have you left your Blood Angels unloved? ohmy.png

If the dust is that bad then as others have mentioned a bit of water does no harm. One of my scouts used to like falling into my drinks and he's fine :P

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