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Jet pack command squad with power lances


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Honour guard, 4 power lances


All with jump packs


I need a reasonably priced, interesting 'signature' unit for my DIY blood angels chapter that won't die embarrassingly (every game)


I can't use a librarian, as my DIYBA draw recruits from the redemptionist gangs on necromunda, and a militia regiment that they feed.


The basic idea is that these guys are shock troopers that finish off wounded squads and go for backfield objective campers. They are --NOT-- going to be fed into the meatgrinder, if I have any choice.

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If I turn a blind eye to the reasonable priced bit: Dante for hit & run.

Going for mopping up duty is probably wise as they will depend heavily on getting the charge.

Swapping reclusiarch for chapter banner will gain you 5 extra attacks for every round?

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Try going with Death Company instead? They can also have power lance, you can change out the apothecary, for an extra DC, seeing as they already have rage, feel no pain, and furious charge, and they will benefit even more from the reclusiarch, as they get to reroll hits, AND wounds!

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As I see it, you have a few viable options.. Depending on the points cost you wanna have...


Dante + 5 HG (loadout as before) gives none scatter drops, Hit and run and a some tanking and extra hitting power


Dante + 5 DC (loadout to your liking) Same as above, but with some extra attacks, and Dante wont get FC and FnP


Dante + 5 SG (give them 5 axes and some infernopistols) Pricey, but will be able to tackle anything from LRs to enemy elite units. Also gives you an extra scoring unit.


Reclusiarch + 5 DC ( as described by the poster above)


Astorath + 5 DC ( as above, but Astorath packs quite a punch with his axe...)

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