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Ahoy there,


Just dropping a quick note of introduction....


I'm a recent returner to Games Workshop, long time lover of Skaven Blood Bowl teams, and Space Wolf WH40K armies.


I'm in the process of building what is apparently a good sized army - 3k of Space Wolves and up to 3k of Imperial Guards (I've got the wolves, I'm considering my guards). I also have a small batch of necron (700 points for now, but will be topped up to 1k)


I don't remember the last time I actually played 40k, can't remember any of the rules, and desperately need to learn them again.


That's me in a nutshell.

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Well we look forward to see your work Crazy Captain - even if it is Wolves! :lol


Now that the B&C also supports Guard armies, I think you'll find a wealth of advice, suggestions and feedback! I'm sure you'll have a great time here!


Please take a minute to faliarize yourself with the forum rules. If you have any questions feel free to ask!


Welcome to B&C!

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