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An assault question.


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Good day everyone, something came up in a game last night and I'd like an answer if possible.


A dark eldar archon was in combat with three plague marines and five plague bearers.


The archon could only be in contact with the plague marines that round.


His attacks were directed at the WS of the plague marines. This is where I need some clarification:


When rolling to wound would he:


A: Roll against the toughness of the plague marines (T5)




B: Roll against the majority toughness of the enemies in combat? (As there were more plague bearers it would be T4)


and secondly, after resolving his attacks, say he caused 5 wounds, would he:


A: Only be able to kill the plague marines




B: Kill the three plague marines and have the two remaining wounds carry over to the plague bearers


Many thanks!



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Good day everyone, something came up in a game last night and I'd like an answer if possible.


A dark eldar archon was in combat with three plague marines and five plague bearers.


The archon could only be in contact with the plague marines that round.


His attacks were directed at the WS of the plague marines. This is where I need some clarification: Actually, his attacks are against the Majority Weapons skill (BRB, pg.24)


When rolling to wound would he:


A: Roll against the toughness of the plague marines (T5)




B: Roll against the majority toughness of the enemies in combat? (As there were more plague bearers it would be T4)This is correct (BRB, pg.25).


and secondly, after resolving his attacks, say he caused 5 wounds, would he:


A: Only be able to kill the plague marines




B: Kill the three plague marines and have the two remaining wounds carry over to the plague bearers This is correct (BRB, pg.25).


Many thanks!



P.S. How did he have a unit of Plague Marines and Plague Bearers? They should be different units, yes? If, in fact, they were two seperate units then he could only attack the unit with which he was in base contact.
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Page 28 allows a model that is in 'base contact, or engaged' with more than one unit to split it's attacks between those units.  This must be decalred before rolling To Hit.  After that, each unit being attacked is resolved wholely independently of the other.  Each uses the target units WS and T for their attacks,a nd no wounds carry over.


Now, you've mentioned no other Dark Eldar units, so I'm assuming there are none, so in this specific example:  the Archon amy only attack the Plague Marines as he is only in base contact with them and not wiithin 2 inches of a friendly model that is in base contact with the Plague Bearers. (BRB, page 23, definition of engaged to fight).  Therefore, he rolls to hit vs PM WS, he rolls to wound vs. PM T, and no excess wounds are carried from the PM unit to the PB unit.


On the return end, the PMs and PBs get to make their Pile In, and any model in base contact with the Archon or any model within 2 inches of a friendly (not necessrily same unit) model as a model in base contact with the Archon get to attack back.

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