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Triple Vindi?


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Curious now.


So we have AC Havocs, cheap and effective & Oblits, expensive but very effective. Arguably the two best Heavy Support by general consensus. What about the trusty Vindicator? As I understand it (and again it has been ages since I touched Chaos) the Daemonic Possession makes these fellas more dangerous. Of course when it's all said and done they end up being a little more expensive than their loyalist counter parts.


I just wanted to know what you guys think of this combo, seeing how reliable it once was.




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I'm running 3 Vindicators and 4 Rhinos as "Rhino Rush", up to 2000 points. 2 Vindicators will die really fast, but it will allow all 4 Rhinos to arrive safely. Do not bye possesion for Vindicators, it doesn't worth the points. Yes, Vindicators are feared, but that just moves them from "damage dealer" to "fire magnet", so mines are hardly every made their points back, but you have to agree that having 4 Rhinos arrive safely to enemy deployment zone is quite hard in 6th.
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Not Triple Vindy but...

I have a 1500 point list where I run 2 Vindicators with Siege Shields behind two packs of chaos spawn (with other stuff, obviously). All of that moves at least 12" over/through terrain without being slowed, and after the Vindicators are in range of a target, I slow to 6" and manuver for cover, etc. while the spawn run on into assault.


Moving that many models that fast at an enemy really gets their attention, and all 4 units must be dealt with or they will cause a lot of damage. The problems arise against IG and Tau (especially new Tau) where they have enough shots to kill off everything and my backline too.


One thing that I want to try in the future is adding dirge casters to my Vindicators so that they can do something even if the demolisher cannon gets destroyed. Especially since they can keep up with the spawn all the way to assault.

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I currently have 1 vindi, been considering a 2nd for a while now, I love what that track does for my army. 
I think 3 would be a bit over-specialized, but 2 and a dakkafiend or 2 and some havocs would do quite nicely, I'd think. Also, I put a twin-linked bolter on mine so I have a 50/50 of keeping the main gun on a weapon destroyed result.

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I know a guy who runs 3 vindies from the moment he has enough points to do so (Games below 1,000pts)...


In smaller games this can be pretty horrific.... As he can often blow up the stuff that will deal with them before they can deal with them... On the other hand it is a lot of eggs in one basket and a weapon destroyed result is all that is needed to shut them down. Even an immobilized result can stop them being a threat.


I've also seen some pretty nasty games where they have done some horrific damage to the enemy on the first turn. I think a lot of this has to do with the size of the board you play on. 4 x 4 board can be covered pretty easily, 6 x 4 or larger finds the vindicators range lacking.


Good use of cover (or shield units) is important as this can drastically increase your vindicators staying power. This applies if it is camping or advancing. The only regular experience I have with using  a vindicator on a 6 x 4 is with my Greenwing Dark Angels. I normally role the vindicator up one flank (to try and push the enemy together - although this really depends on what flanking units the enemy has) with most of my army stretching from the vindicator to the middle of the board. Normally I would have my whirlwind hidden somewhere on the opposite flank ( again this depends on what kind of flanking I expect) with the aim of drawing enemy units to it. When doing this I don't normally expect my vindicator to contribute much to the early battle...It often helps clean up later on if they haven't focused on it.


So I think vindicators can survive to be of use... Range is an issue on bigger boards.

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Even on a 6x4 you start 12" off the middle, and if your opponent places any units foreward, that's a turn 1 shot.




Yes and no. If you deploy in the middle of the deployment zone you might be okay, but the middle of your deployment zone might not be a great place to deploy. Imagine you are boxing up in the corner, to castle or refuse flank. This probably means you expect the enemy to come to you (so you should be able to use it on the defensive), but if you want to attack and the enemies 'stronghold' is in the other corner... You might find it hard to move into position in time to support the rest of your army. This is a bigger issue if you want to be aggressive and the terrain doesn't suit you. Maybe the center of the board is barren and you want to move up the side in cover. Then in my first turn I pull my entire army down the opposite side of the board.


It isn't that Vindicators can't hit anything on a board that size, just that they start to present more issues.

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Even on a 6x4 you start 12" off the middle, and if your opponent places any units foreward, that's a turn 1 shot.

and if he does that againt a 3 vindi list , then they are spread 2" from each other and either with +2cover or +3inv , otherwise he would never do that.

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The thousand son player at my club usuallly plays 2-3 and he usually does extremely well though most of the time I avoid shooting at them mainly as they are beautifully painted models with amazing freehand detail on them its not funny so I just like looking at them as for most of the game as I don't know about you but when I see something like this gallery_59703_7255_49662.jpg

I just can't destroy it probably why I usually lose against himbiggrin.png .

I used to do 3 vindicatore 5th though haven't given it a shot this edition maybe I might give it a go especially if I can convince the thousand son player to paint me some nurgle vindicators.

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The thousand son player at my club usuallly plays 2-3 and he usually does extremely well though most of the time I avoid shooting at them mainly as they are beautifully painted models with amazing freehand detail on them its not funny so I just like looking at them as for most of the game as I don't know about you but when I see something like this gallery_59703_7255_49662.jpg

I just can't destroy it probably why I usually lose against himbiggrin.png .

I used to do 3 vindicatore 5th though haven't given it a shot this edition maybe I might give it a go especially if I can convince the thousand son player to paint me some nurgle vindicators.

Sweet, thanks for sharing :D Get pictures of the others! I'm not really running vindicators with my 1Ksons at the moment, but I did in 5th because I felt their range overlapped with my rubrics... and I would just rumble forward blasting anything within 24 inches.

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Hmm triple Vindi sounds fun but it would make them more useful if you wrap them in cultist bodies, just encircle them in our favorite meatshields and see them have a good cover save against most of the enemy guns, as well as a basic protection from melee attacks. Move them together in range and use the Vindies to blast things and autogun cultists in support. Both have the 24'' range and anything will think twice before moving into your killbox. To such a formation the singular weapons are not that much of a threat but ordnance weapons will be the doom of it. Use your other units to kill the Area weapons of your adversary and than see your Vindies kill everything else. 


Leaving the Vindies to fend for themselves seem to me a bit risky for a lucky melta squad can do much damage so you either have to move them with Rhinos guarding their sides and rear or move them with cultists around. A twenty men cultist squad for each vindicator can do wonders.

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